A decision tool to identify economically optimum planting date
Sustainable Production
DiseaseField management Pest
Parent Project:
This is the first year of this project.
Lead Principal Investigator:
Montserrat Salmeron, University of Kentucky
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:
Planting date is the single management factor with the largest impact on soybean yield. Previous research has shown the benefits from planting soybean as early as in March to increase yields under irrigated conditions in the U.S. Midsouth. However, the optimum planting dates that provide highest yields and economic returns for soybean grown in KY have not been quantified yet. Early planting date recommendations for KY producers need to increase net economic returns while taking into account the frequency of freeze, as well as expected yield reductions due to water stress. To accomplish this, early planting date recommendations must be tailored for each producer and field, considering specific...
Unique Keywords:
#agronomy, #planting date; freeze damage, irrigation, cultivar maturity, decision tool
Information And Results
Project Summary

Planting date is the single management factor with the largest impact on soybean yield. Previous research has shown the benefits from planting soybean as early as in March to increase yields under irrigated conditions in the U.S. Midsouth. However, the optimum planting dates that provide highest yields and economic returns for soybean grown in KY have not been quantified yet. Early planting date recommendations for KY producers need to increase net economic returns while taking into account the frequency of freeze, as well as expected yield reductions due to water stress. To accomplish this, early planting date recommendations must be tailored for each producer and field, considering specific environmental conditions, soil type, and access to irrigation. With this project we will utilize past research and crop modeling to develop a decision tool with economic analysis that will provide KY farmers tailored planting management recommendations.

Project Objectives

- Objective 1: Conduct a planting date field trial in Lexington, KY with a planting date in April and a planting date in late May. The trial will be irrigated and with cultivars MG 3 and 4. - Objective 2: Finalize calibration of the DSSAT-CROPGRO eco-physiological model to provide robust simulations of soybean yield in Kentucky, utilizing data already available from 2017-2020 trials (include May and June planting dates). The model will be further evaluated for accurate simulations under early planting dates in April with data collected during 2022. - Objective 3: Conduct an economic analysis of model simulations across a wide range of planting date, location, and soil type scenarios. - Objective 4: Develop a beta version of a planting date management decision tool to producers. Provide the decision tool to the KY Soybean Promotion Board for review.

Project Deliverables

- Beta version of a planting date decision tool with economic analysis - Summary results from a new early planting date study conducted in Lexington, KY

Progress Of Work

Final Project Results

Benefit To Soybean Farmers

This project will benefit soybean Kentucky farmers by answering the pressing question of how early should soybean be planted to maximize net returns. Outcomes from this project will also provide producers with the estimated economic gain when adopting irrigation for different soil types and locations, and best cultivar maturity group recommendations for each scenario. The outcomes from this project will be in the form of a decision tool to simplify producer’s decisions and provide site-specific management recommendations that are tailored to each field and irrigation management.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.