Our Mission

Invest Mississippi checkoff dollars to develop and promote soybean and soybean production to improve the bottom-line potential for soybean farmers.

Core Value

The Board, with honesty and integrity, collectively and individually, is committed to working within the letter and spirit of applicable law and regulation to achieve maximum value for each Mississippi soybean farmer’s checkoff dollar.

Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board logo

Leverage funds and partner with public and private entities to address production research, identify market opportunities and communicate the outcomes to Mississippi soybean farmers.
Strategic Objectives:
- Initiate, focus and collaborate on research to strategically invest resources in priority areas impacting Mississippi soy.
- Increase awareness of the overall economic impact of the Mississippi...

Top Things for Farmers to Know About Checkoff Dollars Invested in Research

The Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board works to increase soybean farmer profitability by investing checkoff dollars in ongoing public research and Extension programs that address Mississippi production challenges, by driving adoption of best management...

Top Research Funding Areas

- Irrigation Management – On-Farm Sensor Refinement, Computerized Hole Selection, Surge Irrigation, Soil Moisture Sensors and Low-Cost Precision for Irrigation Efficiency.
- Variety Testing – Yield, Disease Screening, Seed Composition, Seed Quality,...

Top Areas of Research Critical to the Future of Mississippi's Soybean Production

- Variety Selection and Development
- Irrigation Efficiency
- Growing Soybeans Efficiently and Effectively
- Disease Management, Especially Taproot Decline and all other soil and foliar diseases