About the Research Center for Farming Innovation

The Iowa Soybean Association’s (ISA) Research Center for Farming Innovation's (RCFI) goal is to deliver the very best farmer-led research combining agronomic, conservation and analytics tailored for soybean farmers so that they can implement results and improve their operation.

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Top Things for Farmers to Know About Checkoff Dollars Invested in Research

Innovations and success do not happen overnight. A sustained investment in the highest priority, highest value, best coordinated and most effectively executed and communicated research and outreach brings significant value to farmers in the short- and long-terms. A broad, deep and meaningful soybean checkoff research portfolio must be promoted and communicated substantively for farmer benefit,...

Top Research Funding Areas

- Breeding for Improved Genetic Gain, Yield Potential and Quality
- Disease, Insect and Weed Management
- Innovations in both biotechnology and agritechnology
- Integrated In-Field and Edge-of-Field Research
- Integrated Cropping Systems Solutions...

Top Areas of Research Critical to the Future of Iowa's Soybean Production

- Applied research and technical assistance to drive farmer profits, productivity and sustainability
- Basic and Applied Research to Expand Existing Uses and Markets
- Research to Open New Uses and Markets for Soybeans and Soy Products

Recent Innovative Research Projects

- Integrating Genomics/Genetics, Phenomics, Breeding, Engineering, Pathology and Entomology into Accelerated Soybean Breeding Programs
- High-Yielding Soybean Trials and Real-Time Forecasting
- Understanding Soybean Aphids and Soybean Gall Midge

Research Publications

We bring together farmers, industry experts and partners, communities and a staff that is driven to deliver results to our farmer members. Below you will find a host of resources from ISA and our partners. You can filter these resources by category...

Financial Overview: FY2024
Sustainable Production
Chart numbers rounded to nearest 1000. Only projects in this database are shown.
Total dollar amount of all FY2024 projects

Total dollar amount of all FY2025 projects


The Iowa Soybean Association is DRIVEN TO DELIVER increased soybean demand through market development and new uses, farmer-focused research, timely information and know-how and policy initiatives enabling farmers and the industry to flourish.