Checkoff at Work

The NJSB is dedicated to using the checkoff dollars we receive from you each year to keep your operation growing forward. From researching new ways to increase your production to supporting your number one customer – animal ag – we are hard at work investing in the areas that are key to improving your bottom line.

New Jersey Soybean Board logo

The soy checkoff invests a substantial portion of its budget every year in production research. Researchers in the public sector as well as breeders at private companies agree that there is value in the checkoff’s research accomplishments. These projects and relationships that the checkoff fosters between the public and private sectors are critical to developing new technology that benefits farmer...

Top Things for Farmers to Know About Checkoff Dollars Invested in Research

The New Jersey Soybean Board invests in production research, especially challenges unique to the state. The checkoff fosters relationships between public and private sectors to support development of new technology and improvement of New Jersey soybean...

Top Research Funding Areas

- Insect Control
- Biodiesel and Bioheat

Top Areas of Research Critical to the Future of New Jersey's Soybean Production

- Opening New Markets
- Biological Pest Control

Innovative Research Projects

- Survey and Monitoring of the Mexican Bean Beetle Population for Biological Control using the Parasitic Wasp, and Survey for Brown Marmorated Stink Bug and Kudzu Bug in Soybeans
- Soy Protein Skin Wound and Burn Dressing

Financial Overview: FY2024
Total dollar amount of all FY2024 projects

Total dollar amount of all FY2025 projects

Focus on Soybeans

NJSB is providing funding to assist the efforts of the Plant Management Network to benefit farmers through the development of high-quality, information-rich webcasts authored by state extension soybean experts, providing information on topics such...