The New York Corn and Soybean Growers Association is a grassroots organization representing corn and soybean producers' interests.
- The Association works to develop and expand markets, educate members and consumers and enhance public policy for corn and soybean growers in the Empire State.
- The Association sponsors research on corn and soybean production, utilization, and marketing; and hosts educational programs on management, production, and marketing.
- The Association is also a Qualified State Soybean Board and administers New York's soybean checkoff.

New York Corn & Soybean Growers Association logo

The NYCSGA board of directors responsibly invests New York farmers’ soybean checkoff dollars into research projects that benefit New York soybean producers and their end users. Through a competitive grant process, the board also invests research dollars into corn projects through funding received from New York State. NYCSGA puts out RFP's each fall to solicit proposals for these projects.

Top Things for Farmers to Know About Checkoff Dollars Invested in Research

The New York Corn and Soybean Growers Association (NYCSGA) farmer-driven board strives to invest checkoff funds in projects that will bring value to New York soybean farmers and honor their investment responsibly. The NYCSGA board strives to help...

Top Research Funding Areas

- National Biodiesel Board Sustainability Analysis
- Ag in the Classroom – Soy Education

Top Areas of Research Critical to the Future of New York's Soybean Production

- Growing soybeans in a way that is both profitable and productive for New York Farmers
- Simultaneously address pertinent climate change, sustainability and food insecurity issues

Innovative Research Projects

- Molecular Adaptations to Drought in Soybeans
- Use of Yield Monitor Data to Set Farm, Field and Soil Type-based goals

Financial Overview: FY2023
Sustainable Production Fuel
Chart numbers rounded to nearest 1000. Only projects in this database are shown.
Total dollar amount of all FY2023 projects

Total dollar amount of all FY2024 projects
