Our Vision:

Growing a legacy of successful farmers.

Our Mission:

Innovating to expand partnerships, markets, and opportunities for the success of North Dakota soybean growers.

North Dakota Soybean Council logo
Stewards of Your Checkoff Dollars

We serve more than 10,000 soybean farmers in North Dakota. Each farmer contributes one-half of 1 percent of the price of each bushel at the point of sale toward the soy checkoff. Half of those funds go to the national checkoff, and the other half funds initiatives in North Dakota.

Strategic Initiatives

- Market Development – Build demand and market share for North Dakota Soy
- Production and Plant Breeding Research – Invest in production practices and plant breeding to improve the current and long-term success of North Dakota soybean farmers


The North Dakota Soybean Council (NDSC) is committed to supporting research designed to benefit all North Dakota soybean farmers. The NDSC invests 30-40 percent of the checkoff funds they receive into production research. That investment yields positive...

Research Categories Funded

All research projects fall within at least one of the following categories, each representing specific areas of soybean production and profitability:
• Research Partnerships
• Soybean Breeding Program
• Integrated Disease, Weed, and Insect Management

Top Areas of Research Critical to the Future of North Dakota's Soybean Production

- Control of SCN, white mold and sudden death syndrome
- Sustainable soybean production practices including cover crops
- Management of invasive and noxious herbicide-resistant weeds
- Management of soybean insects: soybean aphids, gall midge,...

Financial Overview: FY2024
Sustainable Production Industrial Feed
Chart numbers rounded to nearest 1000. Only projects in this database are shown.
Total dollar amount of all FY2024 projects

Total dollar amount of all FY2025 projects

2023 Research Update

Getting this research into the hands farmers is a key component of the NDSC’s efforts. Learn more about the focus and the results from NDSC-supported soybean research by downloading the 2023 Research Update.