Our Research Goals

The Ohio Soybean Council (OSC) supports agronomic improvements, technological advancements, and the development of new soybean products through funding from the Ohio soybean checkoff.

Ohio Soybean Council logo
Our Demand Goals

The Ohio Soybean Council (OSC) uses checkoff dollars from Ohio soybean farmers to expand the demand for soybeans by creating a preference with buyers and promote efficient delivery systems that lead to increased sales of Ohio soybeans and soybean-derived products

Top Research Funding Areas

- Breeding for Pest/Disease Resistance
- Developing Varieties That Create Premium Opportunities
- Monitoring and Managing Diseases and Pests
- Developing Best Management Practices for Nutrient Management, Soil Health and On-Farm Profitability

Top Areas of Research Critical to the Future of Ohio's Soybean Production

- New Varieties to Maintain Markets and Support New Uses of Soybeans
- Nutrient Management and Soil Health
- Soybean Cyst Nematode Monitoring and Management
- Row spacing, seed count and cover crop studies and recommendations

Innovative Research Projects

- New Technologies Providing Automated Diagnostic Tools for Disease, Pest and Weed Management
- Innovative Genetic Techniques to Speed Up Development of New Soybean Varieties
- New Diagnostic Tools for Farmers to Analyze Soil Health

Top Things for Farmers to Know About Checkoff Dollars Invested in Research

The Ohio Soybean Council invests in research that provides technologies and information that will increase profit opportunities for Ohio farmers. Through basic and applied soybean research the long-term goals are to protect and increase yield, to...

Financial Overview: FY2024
Sustainable Production
Chart numbers rounded to nearest 1000. Only projects in this database are shown.
Total dollar amount of all FY2024 projects

Total dollar amount of all FY2025 projects

Ohio Soybean News