Top Things for Farmers to Know About Checkoff Dollars Invested in Research

The goal is to increase the profit potential of all South Carolina soybean farmers through checkoff-funded research. We constantly request feedback and input from farmers so we can ensure we address concerns across the state and well beyond the 12 farmer-leaders on our board.

South Carolina Soybean Board logo
South Carolina Soybean Board

The South Carolina Soybean Board is a farmer-run organization dedicated to investing our checkoff dollars to keep South Carolina soy growing.

Top Research Funding Areas

Soybean Production

Top Areas of Research Critical to the Future of South Carolina's Soybean Production

- Variety Selection and Development
- Herbicide-Resistant Weeds
- Technological Controls

Innovative Research Projects

- Validation of Soil Test Potassium Recommendations and Plant Tissue Analysis to Optimize Soybean Yield
- Calculating the Fertilizer Value of Poultry Litter
- Evaluating Ultra-Late Soybean Planted Behind Corn in South Carolina