Our Mission

To serve the Virginia soybean farmer and consumer by bringing educational, environmental, and economic value to our industry.

Our Vision

Creatively taking the lead in education, collaboration, environmental stewardship, technology, and market expansion.

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Virginia Soybean Checkoff

The soybean checkoff works to improve farmers’ profit potential through marketing and promotion, production research and educational efforts. At the state level, VSB focuses on challenges and opportunities faced by Virginia soybean farmers.

VSB allocates nearly 50 percent of its operating budget each year to production research. The research helps leverage state and federal funds for research...

Top Things for Farmers to Know About Checkoff Dollars Invested in Research

The Virginia Soybean Board allocates approximately 50% of its operating budget each year to production research. This research addresses genetics, disease and pest pressure, production systems and more, with a focus on practical projects that support...

Top Research Funding Areas

- Development of Improved Soybean Varieties & Germplasm Adapted to Virginia
- Applied Soybean Production Research for Virginia
- Development of Soybean Varieties & Germplasm with High Protein Digestibility Using Both Genome Ed
- Developing Disease...

Top Areas of Research Critical to the Future of Virginia's Soybean Production

- Variety Development for Virginia’s Environmental Conditions
- Nematode Management
- Yield Improvement
- Enhanced Environmental Practices

Innovative Research Projects

- Soybean Weed Management— This project evaluates soybean weed management, primarily focusing on herbicide resistant weed suppression through cover crops and different termination methods.
- Evaluating Soybean Varieties for Isoflavone Health Bioactive...