
The Atlantic Soybean Council (Council) combines soybean check-off funds from its member states to sponsor basic and applied research to increase soybean profitability and enhance yield, while maintaining or improving soybean composition, through genetic improvement and biotic and abiotic stress mitigation.

Atlantic Soybean Council logo

The Atlantic Soybean Council works to identify commonalities in research projects in the Mid-Atlantic area while identifying possible duplications.

The collaborative nature of the Council provides for innovative projects to be developed and funded, and the results be disseminated by staff to a wider audience of soybean farmers and researchers with the potential to impact future research. The...

About Us

Smaller states with limited checkoff funding need to work together to fund research projects. Identifying those projects that can apply to multiple states will help to leverage those checkoff funds and enable a bigger impact. The Atlantic Soybean...

Areas of interest identified by the Council include:

- Farmer profitability (increase yields, optimizing inputs).
- Wildlife damage management.
- Nematode survey.
- Dectes Stem Borer research.
- Weed resistance.
- Environmental issues, including climate change and water quality.
- Overall disease...

Top Research Funding Areas

- Nematode Management
- Pest Control

Top Areas of Research Critical to the Future of Atlantic Region Soybean Board's Soybean Production

- Regional Pest Control
- Regional Agronomic Challenges