Biodiesel Market Expansion Drive
Renewable energyRenewable fuels
Parent Project:
This is the first year of this project.
Lead Principal Investigator:
Brad Shimmens, Clean Fuels Alliance America
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:
A highly targeted national advertising campaign and strategic stakeholder outreach effort to key livestock and environmental groups designed to open the door for expanded growth by solidifying biodiesel as America’s Advanced Biofuel
Unique Keywords:
Information And Results
Project Summary

A highly targeted national advertising campaign and strategic stakeholder outreach effort to key livestock and environmental groups designed to open the door for expanded growth by solidifying biodiesel as America’s Advanced Biofuel

Project Objectives

Key strategic goals include:
1. The number of Americans who have a positive perception of biodiesel will increase or hold
steady based on national voter survey data.
2. Biodiesel is the dominant advanced biofuel, selling more total gallons than any other advanced
3. Leading environmental and livestock stakeholders will champion biodiesel with at least two
organizations from this target demographic proactively working to support the industry.
4. More than 20 million ad impressions through targeted advertising campaign that includes both
national and strategic regional efforts.

Project Deliverables

Advertising campaign to help combat the myths and misinformation to ensure continued opportunities for growth for America’s Advanced Biofuel into the future.

Progress Of Work

Updated April 27, 2021:
The growing adoption of state and regional carbon policies, net zero carbon commitments from the heating oil industry,
corporate sustainability commitments from Fortune 100 businesses, stable federal policy, and other successes are all
driving factors behind potentially doubling our industry to a more than six-billion-gallon market annually even sooner
than the industry's vision of 2030.

Biodiesel, renewable diesel, and renewable jet fuel will be recognized as mainstream low-carbon fuel options with superior performance and emission characteristics. In on road, off road, air transportation, electricity generation, and home heating applications, use will exceed six billion gallons by 2030, eliminating over 35 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent greenhouse gas emissions annually. With advancements in feedstock, use will reach 15 billion gallons by 2050.

Leading key tactics for success in this program include highly targeted, regional paid-advertising campaigns, outreach to key stakeholder groups like environmental organizations, soybean farmers, and animal agriculture audiences, and coordination among key influencer groups. This strategic advertising campaign aids in amplifying our vision for growth from 3-billion-gallons to six-billion and conveys our message that biodiesel and renewable diesel is “Better, Cleaner, Now!” Uniting agriculture top to bottom behind biodiesel and renewable diesel is the ultimate goal.

Increased emphasis of this project is on farmer engagement and education. Reaching this key influencer audience
"energizes the base" of biodiesel and renewable diesel supporters but provides important information to those on the leading edge of influence. This proactive, targeted, branding and education initiative will be critical in seizing the opportunity in front of us today.

Final Project Results

Benefit To Soybean Farmers

Growth of biodiesel production & use will be key to profitability at the soybean producer level as well as
throughout the value chain. As a soybean producing state, Missouri will benefit directly from an increase
of biodiesel use. Informa Economics, in 2015, concluded that biodiesel had added roughly 63¢ per
bushel for producers. Sustained demand from biodiesel positively impacts oilseed crush margins and enhances profitability of US animal agriculture; the soybean industry’s #1 customer.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.