Alternative Soybean Production Management Options in Acidic Soils
Sustainable Production
DiseaseField management Pest
Lead Principal Investigator:
Ryan Buetow, North Dakota State University-Dickinson
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:
Many fields in western North Dakota are having issues with pH values below 5.5. The best management practice in no-till is a surface application of lime, however it takes a large amount to change soil chemistry to adequate levels. Producers are searching for less costly short-term options. This project will compare lime, gypsum, and phosphorous treatments applied with the soybean seed in acidic soil to observe impact on yield and growth. Also observed will be plant stand and vigor. The economic values of each strategy will be calculated. Outcomes will be shared with farmers and experts in the geographic area.
Key Beneficiaries:
#agronomists, #applicators, #extension specialists, #farmers
Unique Keywords:
#agronomy, #soil fertility, #soil health
Information And Results
Project Summary

Many fields in western North Dakota are having issues with pH values below 5.5. When the pH drops below these levels it impacts nutrient availability, activity of bacteria in the soil, and reduce yield from Aluminum toxicity. The best management practice for these situations in no-till is a surface application of lime, however it takes a large amount of product to change soil chemistry to adequate levels. Producers are searching for less costly short term options, especially for rented land. Work done in Oklahoma and Montana has shown phosphorous applied with the seed in small grains can help growth in acidic environments by tying up the Aluminum. A similar effect has been shown in some studies with application of gypsum, however it needs to be studied further. Some producers in southwestern ND have applied lime directly with the seed. Low levels of lime, phosphorus, and gypsum won't have long term impacts on soil pH, however it could be an option for getting by on rented ground or while waiting for surface applied lime in no-till systems to remediate the soil over time. A comparison of lime, gypsum, and phosphorous treatments applied with the seed in acidic soil is needed to observe impact on yield and growth in soybean.

Project Objectives

1. Evaluate growth and yield differences among treatments
a. Observe plant stand, vigor, height, and yield
b. Use visual scores and measurements to better understand soybean growth in relation to harvested yield
c. Calculate the economic outcome of using different management strategies
2. Increase the knowledge base of soybean practices in southwest North Dakota
a. Create a bulletin on soybean production in southwest North Dakota
b. Host workshops to present data and answer production questions
c. Host in-service training to county extension agents
d. Use social media and other media outlets to distribute information to growers and the general public

Project Deliverables

Data to assist in management decisions in acidic soils.

Progress Of Work

Updated March 14, 2022:
Alternative Soybean Management Options in Acidic Soils

Objectives of the research
1. Evaluate growth and yield differences among treatments
a. Observe plant stand, vigor, height, and yield
b. Use visual scores and measurements to better understand soybean growth in relation to harvested yield
c. Calculate the economic outcome of using different management strategies
2. Increase the knowledge base of soybean practices in southwest North Dakota
a. Create a bulletin on soybean production in southwest North Dakota
b. Host workshops to present data and answer production questions
c. Host in-service training to county extension agents
d. Use social media and other media outlets to distribute information to growers and the general public

Completed work
In 2021 a trial site was located with a pH consistently below 5.5. After planting, the trial grew uneven due to drought conditions. It was then damaged by both herbicide and hail. Due to inconsistencies across all replicates no data from the trial was used in 2021.
Soil from other low pH fields has been collected for potted demonstrations of the factors within the trial. Awareness of the impacts of low pH soil on soybean production have been disseminated at producer meetings.

Preliminary results
Due to complications with the trial site, not data has been collected for this year. Funds were used for planting and sampling at the trial site. Remaining funds will be utilized for extension activities surrounding soybeans and issues faced in western ND.

Work to be completed
Soil sampling to find low pH soil for demonstrations, potted demonstrations, discussions with producers, funding has been requested for further research. This spring we will work with county agents to ensure knowledge of issues soybean producers may face.

Final Project Results

Updated June 30, 2022:

View uploaded report Word file

View uploaded report 2 Word file

In 2021 after the trial was planted a mixture of drought, hail, and off-target herbicide damage created a large amount of variance in the trial and greatly reduced stands. Any data collected would have been useless. When the site was hailed out we pivoted with approval from Miki to use the dollars for outreach and demonstration supplies. In the winter of 2021/2022 we had started to grow a few demonstrations pots for use at winter meetings, but I faced some medical issues and was not able to make it to many winter meetings due to being on sick leave for over a month. In the spring of 2022 we planted multiple pots with the intent of showing them at our Dickinson Agronomy Field Day. Unfortunately, on June 20th 2022 a storm came through Dickinson and hail wiped out the demonstration pots we had growing outside. New demonstration pots including root boxes and other displays have been replanted and will be shown at various workshops over the summer. The newly funded trial has been planted for 2022 at a site with soil pH below 5.5, hopefully the weather will finally cooperate with us. We will continue to use the demonstration supplies to educate on this issue.

Benefit To Soybean Farmers

Soybean acreage continues to spread west into North Dakota. While farmers are adding soybeans into their rotation, there is limited research on soybean production in no-till acidic soils. This research would help to answer a few questions that producers have when considering soybean production. We would be building off of past research and allow us to more confidently consult producers and industry in the region on best management practices.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.