2022 Weed Control and Plant Health Multi-Company Demonstration
Sustainable Production
DiseaseField management Pest
Parent Project:
This is the first year of this project.
Lead Principal Investigator:
Andrew Lueck, Next Gen Ag, LLC
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Leveraged Funding (Non-Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:
Soybean growers continue to look for ways to decrease input costs through herbicide program selection, unfortunately, herbicide resistant weeds continue to affect yield while new resistant biotypes continue to evolve due to limited post-emergent herbicide options. In a 2021 grower survey of individuals in attendance of Next Gen Ag’s plot tour; 100% indicated they would attend another plot tour; overall tour experience and transfer of knowledge rated 4.64 and 4.43, respectively, on a scale of 1-5 (5 best); 60% of individuals wanted to see an expanded presentation of herbicide programs inclusive of E3, LLGT, and XtendFlex products and programs; 15% were interested in application timing demonstrations;...
Unique Keywords:
Information And Results
Project Summary

Soybean growers continue to look for ways to decrease input costs through herbicide program selection, unfortunately, herbicide resistant weeds continue to affect yield while new resistant biotypes continue to evolve due to limited post-emergent herbicide options. In a 2021 grower survey of individuals in attendance of Next Gen Ag’s plot tour; 100% indicated they would attend another plot tour; overall tour experience and transfer of knowledge rated 4.64 and 4.43, respectively, on a scale of 1-5 (5 best); 60% of individuals wanted to see an expanded presentation of herbicide programs inclusive of E3, LLGT, and XtendFlex products and programs; 15% were interested in application timing demonstrations; and 10% were interested in lambsquarters control. This grant is 100% demonstration focused and will satisfy 85% of the feedback requests from 2021 to be presented through Next Gen Ag, a company that can effectively arrange multi-company tours and events while conducting the studies on behalf of industry partners and provide a “mini-farmfest” type experience targeting weed control. Plant health will be addressed through a foliar fungicide and in-furrow plant health study developed by Max Systems, a local Minnesota based company. Next Gen Ag will contribute other non-company specific demonstrations which include: a micro-rates strip trial, a foliar and in-furrow plant health study, a foliar aphid study, and a post-emergence herbicide timing study. Overall the tour will represent 9 different companies and 12 different demonstration studies. All trials will be presented on a field day and included in a virtual tour to be published and promoted through MSRPC and Next Gen Ag LLC social media platforms. To reduce costs all studies will be conducted as strip trials 160 foot length and 10 foot (4 row) width as the intent is strictly demonstration based.

Project Objectives

Objectives are to:
1) Involve 8 different industry partners with 10 treatment entries each;
2) Facilitate a successful physical and virtual tour to support information transfer;
3) Ensure industry partners collaborating provide an on-site representative to speak in the field and virtual tour;
4) Non-biasedly record waterhemp control 0, 14, 28, and 56 days after application “B” for weed control studies and plant stand + yield data for plant health studies;
5) Develop proof of concept for annual multi-industry field and virtual demonstration event that;
5a) Provides equal opportunity to industry partners to display products (seed and chemical);
5b) Build the reputation of MSRPC and Next Gen Ag LLC;
5c) Provide the farmers an opportunity to learn in a way that best suits them with options of a physical tour, publication review, or virtual tour accessed online.

Project Deliverables

Literature Review

Resistant waterhemp populations are common across Minnesota crop production regions. Waterhemp not controlled significantly reduces yield in soybean by 43-46% (Hagar et al. 2002, Legleiter et al. 2009). Growers are ambitious in maintaining soybean yield potential. Soybean yield and stand can also be impacted by herbicide applications. Grower conversations indicate crop safety concerns related to products such as sulfentrazone, flumioxazin, and metribuzin. Combining safe and economical herbicide applications will provide the greatest value added to the grower. Growers continually look for the opportunity to compare programs and discuss options for weed control. Demand for these demonstration plots among 2021 tour attendees was significant.

Plant health continues to be a topic of discussion. There seem to be exponential options for products to add in-furrow, over the top, and timing of these product application related questions. The farmer seems to be over-whelmed in determining value added products and whether or not they provide a meaningful ROI. A plant health component to the demonstration grant is critical. I have solidified 8 collaborators for 2022 involvement, but already anticipate a successful 2022 grant execution will open the door for greater opportunity and collaboration along the lines of demonstration trials.

Materials and Methods

Weed control studies includes a known ALS and EPSP resistant waterhemp population will be tested near Renville (Lueck 2018). Heavy common lambsquarters present as well. The study area is predominantly Webster-clay loam soil with a history of conventional tillage. Soybean will be seeded at 140,000 plants per acre on 30” row spacings. Each treatment will be represented by a 10 foot by 160 foot strip (4 rows) with running weed checks between plots. Small plot herbicide applications will be done utilizing a bike sprayer with a 4 nozzle 20-inch spaced boom. All treatments will be applied through 110002 AIXR nozzles at 15 GPA. Each company that elects to participate will be given a 10 treatment block planted to genetics of their choice with treatment list developed by them. Next Gen Ag will conduct the trials and sponsor the plot tour in conjunction with MSRPC.

Plant health studies will have soybean seeded at 140,000 plants per acre on 30” row spacings. Each treatment will be represented by a 4 row 160 foot strip. In-furrow applications applied at 5-7 GPA and broadcast applications applied at 15 GPA through 11002 AIXR nozzles. Yield will be taken on plant health studies only. Next Gen Ag will build the plant health studies with entries submitted by industry partners.

Virtual Tour Concept: Brief demonstration will be included when presenting to the board for 2022 research review. Right now, “Prezi” presentations combined with “Loom” video recordings seems to be the most interactive option at this point for a relatively affordable software platform ($500). I will build a set of slides for each 10 treatment block then have the respective company provide a representative to record a video discussing the treatments similar to the plot tour day to include in the virtual presentation. I will be recording questions asked at the plot tour related to these trials and include within context of the slideshow flow to simulate a real tour experience for viewers. Each trial will include the tour video, data table, and overall conclusions in an easy to navigate Prezi presentation.

Progress Of Work

Updated August 29, 2022:
Project Title: 2022 Weed Control and Plant Health Multi-Company Demonstration
Private Investigator (P.I.): Next Gen Ag, LLC/Andrew Lueck
Quarter Report: #1 May 2022 thru July 2022
Objectives: (List project objectives as submitted in final proposal. Describe activity for each during this reporting period.)
1. Involve 8 different industry partners with 10 treatment entries each;
a. Goal #1: Modify Treatments to 160 Strips for Demos (Done)
b. Goal #2: Industry partners contribute chemistry [BASF, Bayer, Corteva, FMC, Max Systems, Syngenta, Valent, Winfield] (Done).
c. Goal #3: Industry partners attend and present at plot tour [BASF, Bayer, Corteva, FMC, Max Systems, Syngenta, Valent, Winfield] (Done).
2. Facilitate a successful physical and virtual tour to support information transfer;
a. Goal #1: Field tour held August 11th (Done).
b. Goal #2: Virtual tour to develop in November (Not Done).
c. Goal #3: Collect data to contribute to tours (80% Done).
3. Develop proof of concept for annual multi-industry field and virtual demonstration event that;
a. Provides equal opportunity to industry partners to display products (seed and chemical)
b. Build the reputation of MSRPC and Next Gen Ag LLC
c. Provide the farmers an opportunity to learn in a way that best suits them with options of a physical tour, publication review, or virtual tour accessed online
Achievements: (Specific project achievements during this reporting period.)
1. Trials was successfully planted.
2. Every plot was planted and sprayed according to plans, NO MISTAKES!
3. 14, 28, 42, and 56 DAA waterhemp control notes taken.
4. 19 field day attendees. 10 surveys taken; “Quality of tour” was rated 4.30/5.00; “Transfer of Info” rated 4.6/5.00; 10/10 would return for another tour next year however 3 individuals wonder if field tours are the “way” anymore….want to see the virtual tour concept; Survey participants wanted to see more plant health and possible corn demos in the future.
5. All 8 industry partners were on site to present and a LOT of great conversation and networking!
Challenges: (Challenges encountered. Specific request for assistance from Production AT on any challenges listed above.)
1. Erratic weed emergence due to new established trial area.
2. Less representation of farmers then expected at tour (6).
3. Less representation of local co-op staff then expected at plot tour (none).
4. Really need additional support and resources to be provided by the MSRPC board in the future for promotion. May consider moving away from field days or abandoning the work altogether in 2023…..will depend on virtual tour outcome.

1. All publications incomplete and will be included in the Quarter 2 report as separate attachments.
2. Plot tours complete with 19 attendees; virtual tour concept and impact TBD.
3. Publications posted to Next Gen Ag website that can be accessed through or FB page “Next Gen Ag LLC” in Quarter #2.
Tech Transfer: (General audience identification and approximate number attending.)
1. Plot tour attendees 19.
2. Facebook page followers 123; posts have reached up to 1,200 individuals.
3. Anticipate ag expo this winter.
4. Virtual tour build and dispersion via social media this winter.

View uploaded report Word file

Updated November 21, 2022:
See attached document. Costs/progress heavily directed towards virtual tour efforts to finish soon.

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Updated February 22, 2023:
See attached document. https://nxtgenag.com/2022-msrpc-and-next-gen-ag-llc-industry-crop-protection-demonstrations-virtual-plot-tour/

View uploaded report Word file

Final Project Results

Updated February 22, 2023:
See attached document. https://nxtgenag.com/2022-msrpc-and-next-gen-ag-llc-industry-crop-protection-demonstrations-virtual-plot-tour/

View uploaded report Word file

Please view the "Virtual Plot Tour" on Next Gen Ag LLC's website and enjoy the experience of real field science professionals highlighting their industry-best product line ups. Waterhemp control, soybean nutrient, soybean plant health, soybean aphid, and more!! Link below!


Benefit To Soybean Farmers

In a 2021 grower survey of individuals in attendance of Next Gen Ag’s plot tour; 100% indicated they would attend another plot tour; overall tour experience and transfer of knowledge rated 4.64 and 4.43, respectively, on a scale of 1-5 (5 best); 60% of individuals wanted to see an expanded presentation of herbicide programs inclusive of E3, LLGT, and XtendFlex products and programs; 15% were interested in application timing demonstrations; and 10% were interested in lambsquarters control. This grant is 100% demonstration focused and will satisfy 85% of the feedback requests from 2021 to be presented through Next Gen Ag, a company that can effectively arrange multi-company tours and events while conducting the studies on behalf of industry partners and provide a “mini-farmfest” type experience targeting weed control. Plant health will be addressed through a foliar fungicide and in-furrow plant health study developed by Max Systems, a local Minnesota based company. Next Gen Ag will contribute other non-company specific demonstrations which include: a micro-rates strip trial, a foliar and in-furrow plant health study, a foliar aphid study, and a post-emergence herbicide timing study. Overall the tour will represent 9 different companies and 12 different demonstration studies.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.