On-Farm Investigation and Evaluation of Soybean Production Strategies for 2023
Sustainable Production
Industry outreachResearch Coordination
Parent Project:
This is the first year of this project.
Lead Principal Investigator:
J. Scott Reiter, Virginia Cooperative Extension
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:
Which cover crops fit each system well? Do in-season applications of biologicals increase soybean yield or quality? What seeding rate optimizes yield? How much do specific soybean varieties yield under typical management and environmental conditions? Virginia farmers ask these questions and many others. On-farm research from this project lays the foundation for finding answers in their fields. These on-farm replicated trials in real-world conditions evaluate soybean production strategies.
Key Beneficiaries:
#agronomists, #extension agents, #farmers
Unique Keywords:
#best management practices, #on-farm research, #research coordination, #variety trials
Information And Results
Project Summary

On-farm, research-based production information is used by soybean producers
in Virginia to achieve maximum economic yields and increase farm profitability.
Agriculture Extension Agents with Virginia Cooperative Extension will continue
replicated, on-farm research trials across Virginia in 2023 using producer-cooperator partnerships. In addition to soybean variety trials at multiple Virginia
locations, additional research will be conducted on-farm to address producer-identified challenges and evaluate management strategies. Results will be
summarized in an Extension publication and distributed at producer meetings in
the winter of 2024.

Project Objectives

To assist Virginia’s soybean producers with investigation and troubleshooting of
problems in soybeans and the associated limitations. To provide research-based
local evaluations of control strategies used to improve production efficiency.
Varieties will be tested in various locations to help determine top yielding
varieties for each test location and to present an overall comparison.
Management strategies will be developed, implemented, and tested on producer
farms and their focus will be to optimize production and maximize economic
yields while minimizing negative environmental effects. To accomplish this, we
1. Determine, through troubleshooting, the need for on-farm replicated soybean
research related to soybean varietal, nutritional, and pest related problems.
2. Investigate soybean pest problems, including nematodes, identify pest
populations, determine control strategies, implement these strategies, and
evaluate outcomes and record results.
3. Evaluate insect/disease control strategies, as well as current economic
4. Evaluate the performance of soybean varieties in various cropping systems.
5. Evaluate the use of micronutrients and other potential yield enhancers on
soybean variety performance.
6. Evaluate row spacing, seeding rates, final stand counts and precision
agriculture strategies and consider their impact on yield.
7. Evaluate seed treatment technologies.
8. Evaluate new soybean breeding technology and its performance.
9. Evaluate soybean cropping systems and associated technologies.
10. Evaluate food-grade soybeans and other value-added opportunities.

Project Deliverables

Research will assist producers in attaining maximum economic yields and
increase the profitability of soybean production in Virginia. This plot work should
enable producers to make management decisions based on research and will
provide them a greater opportunity to improve yield and profit potential.
Published results will be available for winter production meetings and summer
field days for those with interest. Copies may be obtained by contacting any of
the project leaders or coordinators. In Virginia, over 500,000 acres of soybeans
are produced totaling over 15 million bushels and contributing over $135 million
to Virginia’s Agricultural Industry. By identifying issues that limit production and
by evaluating and establishing intensive production strategies for soybeans,
producers are better positioned to realize yield increases and raise their profit
margin by $10.00-30.00 per acre. This small increase would equate to nearly $5-
15 million to those soybean producers.

Progress Of Work

Final Project Results

Benefit To Soybean Farmers

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.