Using data integration approach to break genetic ceilings of quality oil accumulation
Sustainable Production
Parent Project:
This is the first year of this project.
Lead Principal Investigator:
Chi Zhang, University of Nebraska
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:
Worldwide, more than half of seafood was produced by aquaculture, and soybean meal is the major protein source used in aquaculture. Since the current soybean-based aquaculture feedstocks lack EPA and DHA omega-3 fish oil fatty acids, additional costs for expensive supplementation with fish oil and astaxanthin flesh pigments were introduced. To increase the content of EPA and DHA omega-3 fish oil fatty acids in soybean germplasm, the build-test-learn model is being employed. In the build step, several transgenic alleles, some supported by the NE Soybean Board, were developed to shift carbon towards increasing the content of EPA and DHA omega-3 fish oil fatty acids. In this proposal, we address...
Unique Keywords:
#breeding & genetics
Information And Results
Project Summary

Worldwide, more than half of seafood was produced by aquaculture, and soybean meal is the major protein source used in aquaculture. Since the current soybean-based aquaculture feedstocks lack EPA and DHA omega-3 fish oil fatty acids, additional costs for expensive supplementation with fish oil and astaxanthin flesh pigments were introduced. To increase the content of EPA and DHA omega-3 fish oil fatty acids in soybean germplasm, the build-test-learn model is being employed. In the build step, several transgenic alleles, some supported by the NE Soybean Board, were developed to shift carbon towards increasing the content of EPA and DHA omega-3 fish oil fatty acids. In this proposal, we address the "learn" step of the build-test- learn model on soybean events carrying transgenic alleles designed to increase quality oil accumulation in seeds, without compromising protein along with transgenic alleles designed for the ideotype soybean-based feedstock for aquaculture. After this "learn" step, a set of key genes and their interactions in the fatty acid synthesis and regulation pathways can be identified, and these differential gene calls will help guide the build constructs to break the genetic ceiling that may be limiting the omega-3 fatty acid accumulation and the new development targets the accumulation of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acid more than 9%. If successful, our research can lead soybeans with high value oil traits and hence, improve the revenue of Nebraska and US soybean planters from the aquaculture feed market.

Project Objectives

To increase the content of EPA and DHA omega-3 fish oil fatty acids in soybean germplasm, the build-test-learn model is being employed. In the build step, several transgenic alleles, some supported by the NE Soybean Board, were developed to shift carbon towards increasing the content of EPA and DHA omega-3 fish oil fatty acids. In this proposal, we address the “learn” step of the build-test-learn model on soybean events carrying transgenic alleles designed to increase quality oil accumulation in seeds, without compromising protein along with transgenic alleles designed for the ideotype soybean-based feedstock for aquaculture. After this “learn” step, a set of key genes and their interactions in the fatty acid synthesis and regulation pathways can be identified, and these differential gene calls will help guide the build constructs to break the genetic ceiling that may be limiting the omega-3 fatty acid accumulation and the new development targets the accumulation of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acid more than 9%.

Objective One: ldentify the differential gene calls and altered pathways of transgenic soybeans developed for the accumulation of EPA and DHA fish oil.

Objective Two: Systematically discover key genes and their positive/negative regulations in oil synthesis by a statistical model to integrate multiple datasets of transcriptome data and reveal the linkage to phenotype.

Project Deliverables

ln the first four months, Pl Zhang and Co-Pl Yu's labs will conduct RNA-seq experiments on all RAN samples which will be collected by Co-Pl Clemente's lab. Pl Zhang's lab will spend three months to analyze the RNA-seq data and identify significantly differentially expressed genes and altered oil synthesis pathways. Next, Pl Zhang's lab will spend three months to use the statistical model to look for the significant regulatory pathways to limit oil accumulation. ln the last two months, Pl Zhang and Co-Pl Yu's labs will conduct experimental validation to the specific gene expression regulation. ln the second year, conduct the data integration and network analysis for Objective Two. We will construct an integration model to simulate the gene network for multiple datasets and look for the statistically significant genes and pathways that regulate oil synthesis in multiple transgenic alleles. Experimental validation will be conducted.

The project will generate an online database of oil-accumulation-related differentially expressed genes and gene expression profiles and co-expression networks of soybeans for public use. The database will be posted on the Pl's lab web, http://sysbio.unl.edu/. This database will be valuable to experimentalists in guiding the research on oil synthesis and oil type regulation in soybeans. All transcriptomic data generated by this project will be deposited to the NCBl databases. To reach broader audience, by taking full advantage of our solid skills and expertise in computer related technology, we will host a webpage to provide soybean biology related knowledge about oil synthesis and accumulations in soybean seeds. At the same time, results from the proposed research will be disseminated broadly; we will present our results to the scientific community through meeting reports, invited lectures, and peer-reviewed publications. Those media will also be available online, including in NebGuides database. Special seminars for soybean producers will be held at the UNL.

Progress Of Work

Final Project Results

Updated May 26, 2023:

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Uncovering the intricate interactions among the genes involved in the fatty acid synthesis and regulation pathways is important since it is a key step towards generating optimally-transgenic soybeans to break the genetic ceiling that may be limiting the omega-3 fatty acid accumulation and the new development targets the accumulation of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acid more than 9%.

Benefit To Soybean Farmers

Worldwide, more than half of seafood was produced by aquaculture, and soybean meal is the major protein source used in aquaculture. Since the current soybean-based aquaculture feedstocks lack EPA and DHA omega-3 fish oil fatty acids, additional costs for expensive supplementation with fish oil and astaxanthin flesh pigments were introduced. Some transgenic alleles were developed to have fish oil accumulation, but there are some genetic bottle necks. We will collect all data from the "build" step to learn the oil synthesis pathways and their regulation to find a solution that breaks the ceiling of oil accumulation in soybean seeds. If successful, our research can lead soybeans with high value oil traits and hence, improve the revenue of Nebraska and US soybean planters from the aquaculture feed market.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.