The soybean cyst nematode (SCN) remains the most economically important pathogen of soybean because it can significantly reduce yield with no visible symptoms. From 2018 to the date, with funding from the soybean check-off through Ohio Soybean Council and The SCN Coalition, we received over 1,000 soil samples from 60 counties in Ohio and processed for SCN. More than 65% of these soil samples had SCN. Moreover, the current and most prevalent SCN population in Ohio is HG type 2-, which can reproduce on PI 88788 at levels above 10% and up to 80% of a susceptible soybean. Our goal is to continue raising awareness of such an important threat to Ohio soybean growers and provide them the opportunity to test soil samples for SCN and to determine the SCN virulence profile (obj.1). Additionally, we will leverage on the dataset created since 2018 and evaluate the relationship between SCN reproduction, soil texture, soil health measurements, other nematodes, and cropping history (obj. 2).