2024 NCSRP Progress Report
Planning for the 2024 growing season was conducted from October 2023 to April 2024.
During the 2024 growing season, Dr. Werle’s lab intend to replicate the experiments evaluating the role of nozzle type, number, and height for spot spray technologies. They also intend to replicate the experiments evaluating the impact of spot spray application time (different crop and weed stages) and modality (one tank versus two tank, with and without layered residual herbicides) on control of Amaranthus species in soybean. Novel experiments to be established in 2024 and replicated in 2025 will evaluate the role of chemical program selection and weed detection thresholds for weed control with spot spray technologies in soybean cropping systems. A graduate student (Zaim Ugljic) and a research scholar (TBD) will be 100% focused on these projects during the 2024 growing season. New in 2024, the team intends to take drone imagery from these research trials as part of their data collection process.
At Kansas State University, we wrapped up the soybean field trial conducted during 2023. Five different herbicide programs were evaluated using the BOSCH BASF Smart Sprayer technology. Results from the two years of experimentation (2022 and 2023) were summarized and prepared as part of a PhD dissertation chapter (Barnhart 2024). In general, the two-pass programs that include broadcast applications of soil-applied herbicide and targeted herbicide applications at both the burndown (green-on-brown) and in-crop postemergence (green-on-green) treatments provided consistent and excellent weed control in soybean. This was in contrast to one-pass programs with only targeted herbicide applications that did not provide season-long weed control benefits.
For 2024 experiments, the herbicide programs will be repeated on the same field site and plots as in 2022 (in a rotation sequence with corn) to evaluate the long-term impact of using smart sprayer technology on weed population dynamics in the field. Additional data to track the influence of programs on weed communities include spatial soil seedbank sampling and seedling emergence, drone imagery of populations across the field site, and end-of-season weed biomass and seed production.
At KSU, one PhD graduate student and one undergraduate research scholar worked on the field project during the summer of 2023. A new research scholar will start May 2024 to work on this field study and will transition to an MS student in Jan 2025 to continue the project in the future.
Crop Protection Netwok: See & Spray Technologies Webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3Dgx8fDp0w
Ohio State University Weed Scholar: See & Spray Precision Herbicide Applications Technologies Webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuEtcTxoVok&t=1s
Barnhart IH, Kruger G, Miller K, Proctor C, Werle R, Dille JA (2023) Evaluating the One Smart Sprayer® in Midwestern United States corn and soybean cropping systems. Agronomy Departmental Seminar (AGRON 810), Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS (November 2023).
Barnhart IH (Presenter, PhD student), Dille JA (2023) Evaluating the One Smart Sprayer® Smart Sprayer ™ in Midwestern United States corn and soybean cropping systems. DA3: Digital Ag and Advanced Analytics Symposium, Manhattan, KS (October 2023)
Barnhart IH (2024) Use of artificial intelligence to locate and treat weeds in Midwestern United States corn (Zea mays) and soybean (Glycine max) cropping systems. PhD Dissertation, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS (presentation, April 5, 2024)
Ugljic, Z., R.P. DeWerff, A. Dille, C. Proctor, K. Miller, R. Werle. 2023. See smart – spray smart! Quantifying the relationship between weed infestation and treated area with the ONE Smart Spray system and Xarvio’s Field Manager. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Plant and Agroecosystem Sciences graduate student seminar.
Barnhart, I. (Presenter, PhD student), Miller, K., Kruger, G., Proctor, C., Vitti, T. H., Dille, A. (2023). Targeted Precision Weed Control Using the One Smart SprayerTM in Soybeans. North Central Weed Science Society Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota (December 2023).
Krabbenborg, D. J. (Presenter, Undergrad student), Vitti, T. H., Proctor, C. (2023). Evaluating the Impact of Tank-mix Antagonism and Spray Nozzle Incompatibility with a Two-boom Two-tank Application System on Weed Control Efficacy. North Central Weed Science Society Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota (December 2023).
Ugljic, Z., B. Canella Vieira, R.P. DeWerff, and R. Werle. 2024. Smart sprayer applications: Role of nozzle type, number, and height. Proceedings of the Weed Science Society of America Annual Meetings, San Antonio, TX.
Ugljic, Z., R.P. DeWerff, B. Canella Vieira, and R. Werle. 2023. More is less or less is more? Evaluating the influence of nozzle number and type for novel spot spray technologies. Proceedings of the North Central Weed Science Society Annual Meetings, Minneapolis, MN.
Ugljic, Z., R.P. DeWerff, N.J. Arneson, A. Dille, C. Proctor, K. Miller, R. Werle. 2023. See smart – spray smart! Quantifying the relationship between weed infestation and treated area with the ONE Smart Spray system and Xarvio’s Field Manager. Proceedings of the North Central Weed Science Society Annual Meetings, Minneapolis, MN.
Vitti, T.H. (Presenter, MS student), Canela Vieira, B., Kruger, G.R., Lawrence, N., Proctor, C. (2023). The effect of weed size and application rate on control of different herbicides and weed species. NCWSS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. (December 2023)