Updated January 31, 2022:
All field trials and soybean harvests were conducted during the 2021 growing season at the participating locations. We have collected data from each of the participating locations and have summarized most of the results from the 2021 field trials. The results show variability in control of waterhemp across multiple states and we think we intend to analyze plant and soil moisture content data from the locations to see if either of those factors play a role in the variability observed. Also, we have begun plans for 2022 research, perhaps with a slightly modified protocol at each of the locations. The attached pdf provides a summary of what we have learned thus far.
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The increasing prevalence of herbicide-resistant weeds in U.S. agriculture has led to increased interest in non-conventional weed control methods, including weed electrocution. The Weed ZapperTM is a commercially-available weed electrocution implement that has become popular among organic and specialty crop producers. In 2021, the Weed ZapperTM was evaluated in conventional soybean systems to determine its effectiveness as a rescue treatment for weeds that escape chemical control. Species evaluated include waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatas), Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri), common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album), velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti), giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida) and giant foxtail (Setaria faberi). The experiment was conducted in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, and two locations in Missouri. Due to regional differences and the time in between treatment at each location, soybean height ranged from 12 to 40 inches, and soybean growth stage ranged from R1 to R6. Weeds were electrocuted at speeds of 3 or 5 mph. An additional non-electrocution rescue treatment was evaluated at each location for comparison. The comparison treatments were selected based on the resources available at each location and included interrow cultivation, an interrow mowing device, rope-wick herbicide application, sprayed herbicide applications, and harvest weed seed destruction. Visual control ratings indicated that speed of electrocution had no effect on weed control. However, there was an effect of weed electrocution on the control of different weed species. Electrocution provided highest control of giant ragweed (99%), followed by waterhemp (70%), then statistically similar levels of control of Palmer amaranth (43%), giant foxtail (30%), and velvetleaf (20%). Although waterhemp control averaged 70%, control was extremely variable and ranged from 9 to 82% across the five locations that contained this weed. The reasons for this variability will be explored in 2022 research, and modifications will be made to the protocol to enable more optimum timing of electrocution across all locations. Overall, the results from 2021 trials indicate that weed electrocution and several other non-chemical techniques have promise for integration into a soybean system, and compared to harvest weed seed destruction, they have the benefit of targeting the weeds prior to seed formation.