Updated June 4, 2024:
Work has progressed, we are utilizing the results to revision how we have established our succession and estate planning workshops for producers. At the same time, the results show were operations struggle with finding qualified attorneys and other professionals to assist them in handling these plans. We are looking at ways to develop professional development for attorneys that will further expand the network in the state that operations can rely on. These appear to be two of the most needed things seen over the years and the survey helps back that need up. This survey work will greatly help us to improve all around how the workshops are handled in the state. At the same time, we are looking for an undergraduate wanting research experience with data to take off more analysis with this survey and survey results from other states to look for common themes and other things that could be used to benefit operations in the state.
Final project results are expanding the way we handle succession planning in the state and developing resources that work for growers. Based on the results we are already looking for external funding opportunities to develop those resources out.