Updated December 11, 2024:
We have received collaborator grower yield data for four of the eight trial fields. Here are the steps needed for completing the project:
• ISU organizes soil sensor data collected in Fields 2, 3, and 4.
• Salin 247 collects and analyzes plot yield monitor data for the remaining four fields.
• Salin 247 summarizes all soils and relevant crop production practice data needed by ISU.
• ISU runs nitrous oxide emission models using soils, crop production practice, and weather data for each field.
• ISU calculates carbon intensity values for each plot in each field.
• Salin 247 generates a report with final project findings
View uploaded report 2
This report summarizes the findings of the project “Estimating Crop Yields and Carbon Intensities from Earlier Planted Soybeans and Potential Synergies with Partial Corn Residue Harvest.” The study assessed the effects of early versus later soybean planting and the potential benefits of partial corn residue removal prior to planting. On-farm trials were conducted across eight Iowa farms, with six growers successfully providing yield monitor data. Unfortunately, yield monitor malfunctions on two farms prevented data collection from those plots. Iowa State University collaborated on the project including providing process modeling estimates for soybean yields, nitrous oxide emissions, and nitrate leaching for all eight fields.
Key findings-
• Measured yields were an average 4% (2.7 bu/acre) higher for early-planted (first half of April) versus later planted soybeans
• Modeled yields were 22% higher on early-planted versus later-planted soybeans
• The value of early-planted soybeans based on measured yields was $27/acre while based on modeled yields was $144/acre
• Early-planted soybeans with residue removal yielded an average 13.8% (7.8 bu/acre) higher than later-planted without residue removal and was worth $64/acre
• Modeled nitrous oxide emissions were 13% lower for early-planted soybeans
• Carbon intensity (CI) scores were 9.5% lower for early-planted soybeans
• Early-planted soybeans are an opportunity for Iowa growers to increase yields, lower CI scores, increase net returns, and widen the soybean planting window
Other summary information-
• Early soybean planting occurred between April 5 and April 23, while later planting took place from April 24 to May 19. Within fields, the interval between early and late plantings ranged from 14 to 37 days.
• Early-planted soybeans were seeded into cool, wet soils, with average furrow temperatures ranging from 40°F to 59°F across the eight fields.
• Parts of two fields planted on April 5 recorded soil temperatures as low as 30°F.
• Measured early-planted soybeans yielded, on average, 4% (2.7 bu/acre) more than later-planted soybeans. Yield advantages for early planting ranged from -1.1 bu/acre (-1.5%) to 7.1 bu/acre (8.8%).
• Corn residue removal results were available for three fields, showing soybean yield improvements of 2.6%, 3.5%, and 22.2% compared to no residue removal
• Ecosystem process modeling estimated a 22% yield advantage for early-planted soybeans compared to later planting. The impact of residue removal was not modeled due to limited data.
• Early planting showed an average 13% reduction in nitrous oxide emissions and an average 9.5% reduction in carbon intensity value based on modeling results.
• Even though the impacts of residue removal were not modeled, research has shown removal reduces nitrous oxide emissions and, therefore, carbon intensity scores. Modeled nitrous oxide emissions would likely be more than 13% with residue removal.
• Modeled nitrate leaching was similar with early and late planting; however, residue harvest should decrease nitrate leaching and more measurements are needed to tune the model.
• Based on measured yields, corn stover removal prior to planting had an estimated net value of $59/acre after accounting for stover sales revenue and nutrient losses.
• No significant differences in harvest moisture levels were observed between early and later plantings.
• Early-planted soybeans across all fields exhibited slow emergence and slow early growth due to the cool, wet weather in April and early May. These conditions likely contributed to reducing early soybean yields.
• No significant disease or insect damage was observed in any of the plots.
• All fields experienced heavy rainfall in April and/or May, but only one field had ponding that led to soybean loss.
• The six no-till fields measured moderate soil compaction, requiring low to moderate air bag down force during planting. The tilled fields did not require added down force with air bags.
• The two tilled fields did not require additional down force on the planter.
• The Salin 247 autonomous planter increased soil compaction in its tracks only slightly in the top two inches of soil
• We conclude that early planted (i.e., early to mid-April) soybeans in Iowa show the potential to have higher yields, lower nitrous oxide emissions, lower carbon intensity values, and a higher net return than later planted soybeans.
• Partial corn residue removal on no-till, corn-soybean rotation soybeans resulted in moderately higher yields although yield data was limited in this study. Observations from the field suggest growers will be able to plant earlier when some corn residue is removed due to warmer and drier soil surface conditions.
• Negative impacts of corn residue removal are uneven distribution of remaining corn residue after partial removal, increased soil compaction from removal equipment, and removal of nutrients.
• No freezing damage was observed on emerged soybeans although freeze damage risk is increased with soybeans planted in early to mid-April in Iowa.
• Beyond the potential for higher yields and lower carbon intensity values, early planted soybeans also widen the planting window for soybeans in Iowa.
• Using a light-weight, autonomous planter likely allowed us to plant earlier in the season (and get back into the fields earlier after a 16-day rain delay starting in late April) since conditions throughout the planting season were relatively wet.
Autonomous planter performance-
Evaluating the performance of the Salin 247 autonomous planter is a secondary objective of the project. Salin 247 used its so-called V2 model to plant all eight project fields. Selected navigation and energy use data was collected along with a wide range of planting performance data. This is the third growing season for the V2 machine and it performed well with the exception of some GPS receiver issues. We would occasionally loose online RTK GPS correction data that is required by our machines. Over the course of the planting season, we were able to eventually create a solution that involves adding redundancies to receiving RTK correction. We have also taken a different approach to connecting to our machines through the Internet. We have now implemented the Starlink technology for accessing the Internet via a set of satellites. The GPS issue impacted our productivity in the field (i.e., acres planted/day), but we are feeling good about the new approach going forward.
General planting observations-
The following are some general observations from planting the early-planted soybean plots.
• When we started planting soybeans on April 5 (Fields 3 and 4 in Webster County), some soil temperature measurements in the furrow were as low as 30oF.
• Soils stayed relatively cool during the month of April, and early-planted soybeans were slow to emerge.
• Conditions during early planting were also relatively wet. Portions of fields with no corn residue removal were noticeably wet on the soil surface. This wetness did cause some problems with our row cleaners on two occasions in Field 4.
• Soybeans were planted at depths ranging from 1.5” to 2.25”. We did not observe seed being planted into dry soil in any of the trial fields.
• No-till fields required a moderate amount of down force using air bags on our planter. We did not add additional weight to the planter on any of the fields. Tilled fields (Fields 7 and 8) did not require additional air bag down force.
• The later planting date was delayed on many trial fields due to rainfall and wet conditions. Once the rain stopped in early May, we began planting again on May 12. We were able to start planting again one or two days before other growers were back in the field planting.
Growing season observations
Here are a few observations from the growing season.
• Early-planted soybeans were generally slow to emerge and showed slow early growth. This is likely due to cool, wet conditions early after planting.
• Soil crusting was not a problem for emergence.
• No major insect or disease issues were reported by growers although at least one field had slight early-season iron chlorosis in spots. Yellowing did not last long, however.
• By early July, it was difficult to distinguish early-planted from later-planted soybeans in many of the trial fields. When soybeans started to “turn” in September, there was a noticeable difference in planting date.
• Heavy rains fell on most of the project fields at some point during the growing season. Fortunately, only Field 6 experienced ponding that caused some soybean loss (on south end of field).
• Field 5 soybeans were unusually short at maturity. Cool weather in northern Webster County may have contributed to slower growth.
• Conditions for harvest were good so we didn’t have any weather-related harvest issues. Field 5 was the last to be harvested, and harvest moisture averaged 8.2 percent with no difference in early versus late plantings.
Grower Outreach-
Salin 247 participated in meetings, demonstrations, and field days in order to inform folks about this project. Key events included:
• Bunge/Syngenta Field Day
• Iowa State University/Pivot Bio Field Day
• Iowa State University Iowa Nitrogen Initiative (INI) Fields Day
• Ag Venture Alliance Field Day
• Precision Planting Field Days
• Precision Planting Agronomy/Autonomy Days
• Becks Becktology Days
• Planting soybeans early (i.e., first half of April) is likely to result in higher yields compared to planting later (e.g., two to five weeks later). Our estimate based on 2024 results showed a 2.7 bu/acre (4.0%) early planting advantage. At today’s prices, this advantage is $27/acre.
• The actual realized early planted soybean advantage will depend on weather conditions. In 2024, conditions at and after early planting were wet and cool for all locations. Early planted soybeans got off to a slow start. Under more favorable April weather conditions, the early planted advantage could be higher.
• No early planted soybeans were impacted by a late frost, but this is clearly a risk for soybeans planted in early April.
• Results from this study suggest that Iowa soybeans could be planted much earlier than has historically done even if soil temperatures are below 50 degrees. Some furrow temperatures were as low as 30 degrees at the early planting dates. This would indicate a potentially wider planting window for soybeans in Iowa.
• Removing corn residue prior to planting resulted in an average 9% soybean yield increase, ranging from 2.6% to 22.2%. With residue removal, soils were warmer and drier which likely helped translate to higher yields.
• On the other hand, removing corn stover with round balers did increase surface soil compaction on two of the trial fields.
• Removal of corn stover with round balers also resulted in uneven distribution of remaining residue although there were no noticeable emergence and yield impacts from the unevenness.
• Process modeling results suggest the yield advantage from planting early is closer to 22% instead of the project measured value of 4%. Modeling also estimates nitrous oxides emissions that are 13% lower for early planted soybeans.
• Based on the project modeling work, the early planting impact on the soybean carbon intensity (CI) score was a reduction of 8.5%.
• Based on these findings, we believe Iowa soybean growers should consider planting their soybeans earlier than historically done. If they have only one planter, they should consider planting some or all soybeans before planting corn. Of course, weather conditions in any given year will influence planting timing.
• Beyond higher yields, planting soybeans early widens the planting window for soybeans.
• The primary risk to planting early is a late freeze. This risk combined with the cost of replanting was not considered in this project.
• Removing some corn residue prior to planting soybeans is likely to be beneficial. Nutrient removal does need to be taken into account, however. This work showed an advantage to corn residue removal but use of strip-tilling could have a similar positive impact on soybean yield with the benefit of not removing nutrients.
• We conclude that early planted (i.e., early to mid-April) soybeans in Iowa show the potential to have higher yields, lower nitrous oxide emissions, lower carbon intensity values, and a higher net return than later planted soybeans.
• Partial corn residue removal on no-till, corn-soybean rotation soybeans resulted in moderately higher yields although yield data was limited in this study. Observations from the field suggest growers will be able to plant earlier when some corn residue is removed due to warmer and drier soil surface conditions.
• Negative impacts of corn residue removal are uneven distribution of remaining corn residue after partial removal, increased soil compaction from removal equipment, and removal of nutrients.
• No freezing damage was observed on emerged soybeans although freeze damage risk is increased with soybeans planted in early to mid-April in Iowa.
• Beyond the potential for higher yields and lower carbon intensity values, early planted soybeans also widen the planting window for soybeans in Iowa.
• Using a light-weight, autonomous planter likely allowed us to plant earlier in the season (and get back into the fields earlier after a 16-day rain delay starting in late April) since conditions throughout the planting season were relatively wet.
• This work is based on one season of experience and data collection on a limited number of fields in Iowa. It would be valuable to extend this work to future growing seasons and varying weather conditions.
Refer to the attached final report for more information including the set of tables and figures.