Characterization of iron deficiency and Fusarium graminearum interactive responses in soybean
Sustainable Production
Abiotic stressAgricultureLand Use Water supply
Parent Project:
This is the first year of this project.
Lead Principal Investigator:
Silvina Arias, Iowa State University
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:
Although soybean plants with iron deficiency chlorosis symptoms often display Fusarium root rot symptoms, the basis of this association is not clear. This study’s objective is to characterize soybean genes that are differentially regulated by the host during Fusarium graminearum infection in an iron deficiency environment to identify new potential resistant mechanisms and candidate genes involved in the defense response. Specifically, the project aims to evaluate phenotypically IDC-resistant and susceptible soybean cultivars inoculated with F. graminearum under iron deficiency conditions in a hydroponic system; elucidate the comprehensive gene expression in response to the pathogen and iron deficiency simultaneously (RNA seq analysis); and identify compare, and analyze differentially expressed genes.
Key Beneficiaries:
#agronomists, #Extension agents, #farmers, #seed companies, #soybean breeders
Unique Keywords:
#environmental stress
Information And Results
Project Summary

Iron deficiency chlorosis (IDC) is the symptom typically observed in soybean growing in high-pH soils with high carbonate concentrations where iron availability is reduced. Currently, the most important management option is the selection of ID-resistant cultivars. Several studies have detected QTL that confers resistance to IDC.
Other limitations on soybean production are due to soybean diseases that reduce yield. Several species of Fusarium are well recognized as soybean pathogens, such as F. virguliforme, the causal agent of sudden death syndrome (SDS), F. oxysporum causing Fusarium wilt or F. graminearum, a major necrotrophic pathogen causing severe root rot. F. graminearum also is the most frequently recovered species of Fusarium in fields in Iowa. Management of soil-borne diseases like Fusarium root rot depends mainly on genetic resistance or seed treatments during emergence and the seedling stages. Soybean resistance to F. graminearum was described in the soybean cultivar Conrad, and putative Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) associated with resistance to F. graminearum were.
Although soybean plants with IDC symptoms often display Fusarium root rot symptoms, currently the basis of this association is not clear. In general, research programs focus on identifying resistance to a particular stress and do not test susceptibility to other biotic or abiotic stresses. Consequently, improved varieties may respond unpredictably when grown in field conditions.

Project Objectives

The objective of this study is to characterize soybean genes that are differentially regulated by the host during F. graminearum infection in an iron deficiency environment in order to identify new potential resistant mechanisms and candidate genes involved in the defense response.
Our specific objectives are to:
1. Evaluate phenotypically IDC-resistant and susceptible soybean cultivars inoculated with F. graminearum under iron deficiency conditions in a hydroponic system.
2. To elucidate the comprehensive gene expression in response to the pathogen and iron deficiency simultaneously (RNA seq analysis).
3. Identify, compare, and analyze differentially expressed genes.

Project Deliverables

To our knowledge, transcriptional changes in soybean roots that have been infected by F. graminearum growing in an environment with low iron availability have not been studied.
The finding generated will be useful for determining environmental conditions and stress factors on the epidemiology of soilborne pathogens that affect seedlings and taking steps toward identifying effective management. In addition, these results may be useful in developing new methods of broadening the resistance of soybean to F. graminearum and iron deficiency.

Progress Of Work

Final Project Results

Benefit To Soybean Farmers

Results may be useful in developing new methods of broadening the resistance of soybean to F. graminearum and iron deficiency.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.