2025 |
Cyst nematode single-cell omics
$50,000 |
2025 |
Investigating the role of stigmasterol in soybean growth and development
$32,500 |
2025 |
Using soybean microbes as protectants from stress
$84,488 |
2024 |
Application of innovative intercropping practices to increase soybean production
$35,001 |
2024 |
Bioengineering of an NLR gene for creating robust SDS resistance in soybean
$83,165 |
2024 |
Characterization of iron deficiency and Fusarium graminearum interactive responses in soybean
$28,000 |
2024 |
Corn and soybean residue management for greater yield and environmental performance
$16,666 |
2024 |
Crop Protection Network: Delivering Soybean Research Results to Farmers Through National Partnerships
$179,640 |
2024 |
Does the application of agricultural fungicides pose a threat to human health?
$34,454 |
2024 |
Effects of soybean meal level on lactating sow and litter performance
$50,490 |
2024 |
Electrochemical Impedance based 4D Mapping of soybean plant root and growth
$79,111 |
2024 |
Introgression of drought and flood tolerance genes into four elite soybean cultivars through backcrossing
$119,714 |
2024 |
Next Generation High Oleic Polymers
$271,678 |
2024 |
Opportunities to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from US soybean cropping systems
$51,300 |
2024 |
Pushing soybean meal and soyhull inclusion rates in grow-finisher pigs
$91,106 |
2024 |
Soil amendment with biofuel industry co-products (biochar and digestate) for improving soybean disease management
$42,748 |
2024 |
Translating basic research knowledge into soybean resistance to the soybean cyst nematode
$78,206 |
2023 |
Biology and Management of Soybean Stem Diseases
$341,416 |
2023 |
Continuous soybean
$61,083 |
2023 |
Crop Protection Network: Delivering Soybean Research Results to Farmers Through National Partnerships
$144,816 |
2023 |
Development and application of improved high-oleic soybean oil-containing biphasic gel systems as animal fat mimetics in coarse-ground meat and plant-based products
$75,940 |
2023 |
Identification of high yielding soybean lines with sudden death syndrome (SDS) and Phytophthora resistance and molecular markers linked to novel genes encoding SDS and Phytophthora resistances
$117,000 |
2023 |
Next Generation High Oleic Polymers
$275,000 |
2023 |
Seed treatment effects on the seed & soil microbiome
$79,180 |
2023 |
Soybean yield and soil changes under variable climate and soil health management
$153,468 |
2023 |
Weed seed destructor: A novel harvest weed seed control (HWSC) technology for mitigating herbicide-resistant weed seeds banks in Iowa Soybean
$40,000 |
2022 |
Crop Protection Network: A Collaborative National Resource to Deliver Soybean Research Results to Farmers
$94,000 |
2022 |
Effects of Increased Atmospheric CO2 and Abiotic Stress on Soybean Performance in the Enviratron
$200,000 |
2022 |
Enhancing implementation and adoption of non-chemical tactics for IWM in soybean
$100,000 |
2022 |
Finding pyrethroid-resistant aphids before it is too late
$84,046 |
2022 |
Identification of High Yielding Soybean Lines with Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) and Phytophthora Resistance and Molecular Markers linked to Novel Genes Encoding SDS and Phytophthora Resistances
$108,000 |
2022 |
Investigating the use of nano-encapsulated seed treatments for improved management of soybean sudden death syndrome
$57,566 |
2022 |
Low-cost Multimodal Sensor Arrays for Early Detection of Soybean Diseases
$60,000 |
2022 |
Soybean nitrogen fertility for high-yielding soybeans following high-yielding corn
$99,731 |
2022 |
Under pressure: the role of partial resistance in soybean on pathotype diversity in Phytophthora sojae
$37,647 |
2021 |
Aphids and midges - something old and something new in Iowa Soybean
$30,000 |
2021 |
Chaff Lining: A Harvest Weed Seed Control Technology for Mitigating Herbicide Resistance and Grain Contamination in Iowa Soybean
$36,000 |
2021 |
Integrated agricultural systems to promote soil health and environmental resilience
$62,000 |
2021 |
Iowa Contributions to Amplifying Extension Impact: Agronomists Collaboratively Delivering Soybean Best Management Practices
$10,000 |
2020 |
In-field soybean seed pod analysis on harvest stocks using 3D imaging and machine learning
$30,000 |
2020 |
Mechanisms of defense suppression by cyst nematode effectors
$30,000 |
2020 |
Time of disease onset as an early indicator of soybean resistance to SDS
$100,000 |
2019 |
Biology and Management of Soybean Stem Diseases (1920-172-0125-B)
$347,543 |
2019 |
Evaluating Resistant Soybean Varieties and Seed Treatments to Help Iowa Farmers Maintain High Yields in SCN Infested Fields
$165,824 |
2019 |
Hyperspectral Imaging of Herbicide Resistant Weeds in Soybeans
$60,000 |
2019 |
Improving soybean IPM tactics in Iowa
$37,798 |
2019 |
Stacking Four Plant Genes to Generate Durable and Enhanced SCN and SDS Resistances in Soybean
$88,964 |
2019 |
Virus-mediated Gene Editing in Soybean
$40,000 |
2018 |
A current assessment of foliar soybean diseases in Iowa
$51,444 |
2018 |
Evaluation of the Joint Effect of Arabidopsis PSS30 and Soybean GmDS1 Genes in Providing SCN and SDS Resistance in Soybean (1820-172-0117-C)
$119,120 |
2018 |
Evaluation of the Phytophthora resistance Rps12 gene for its utility and identification of tightly linked molecular markers for its selection
$97,996 |
2018 |
Extension and research to combat insecticide resistant soybean aphids
$92,699 |
2018 |
High yielding soybean trials and real time forecasting and regional scale
$80,183 |
2018 |
Improving CRISPR gene editing in soybean
$82,773 |
2018 |
Potential use of cover crops and green manures for localized or widespread management of Fusarium diseases, white mold and iron deficiency chlorosis on soybean
$53,759 |
2018 |
Sustainable system approach for improving soil health and managing soybean production
$54,831 |
2017 |
Evaluation of Precision Zone Management in Soybean Fields to Increase Profit and Reduce Product Inputs (1720-172-0114)
$99,745 |
2017 |
Implementation of the Iowa Pest Resistance Management Plan
$25,000 |
2016 |
An integrated approach to enhance durability of SCN resistance for long term strategic SCN management
$593,260 |
2016 |
Developing tools to protect soybean stand from seedling disease caused by Pythium species
$63,080 |
2016 |
Drainage water quality from maure treated soybean crops: Bio-electrical modification of woodchip bioreactors for enhanced performance
$68,577 |
2016 |
Establishing monarch breeding habitat as bioreactor groundcover
$23,075 |
2016 |
Evaluating soybean aphid management with an expanded toolbox
$38,670 |
2016 |
Improving SCN management through field research on SCN resistant soybean varieties and nematode protectant seed treatments
$139,798 |
2016 |
In support of the Iowa Soybean Research Center
$150,000 |
2016 |
Integrated research & education program for use of remote sensing and UAV's for enhanced soybean production
$100,000 |
2016 |
Non-transgenic soybeans with broad plant disease resistance and high protein
$78,661 |
2016 |
Using engineering tools to identify and quantify biotic and abiotic stress in soybean for customizable agriculture production
$52,058 |
2015 |
Breeding for high yield, yield protection and compositional traits in soybean for Iowa farmers
$300,000 |
2015 |
Breeding of soybean for yield and for introgression of defensive traits
$300,000 |
2015 |
Climate trends relevant to soybean management practices
$77,662 |
2015 |
Cropping systems modeling tools to improve soybean management and yields in Iowa
$100,000 |
2015 |
Development of novel breeding lines for resistance to plant pathogens
$204,672 |
2015 |
Functional characterization of the SCN effectors
$77,850 |
2015 |
How Much Do Soybeans Benefit From Honey Bee Pollination (and Vice-Versa)? (Year 1 of 1520-732-7225)
$102,943 |
2015 |
Interpreting the contribution of cover crops to soil health and crop productivity
$75,000 |
2015 |
Micronutrients for soybean production: a position paper for the north central region
$66,529 |
2015 |
Quantification of viral suppression in SCN populations: Nematode virus impact on SCN reproduction and egg viability
$55,500 |
2015 |
The role of thrips and host ranges in the disease of cycle of soybean vein necrosis virus in Iowa
$33,424 |
2014 |
Breeding to improve resistance to SDS in soybean as a means to protect yield: Delivering resistant varieties and lines
$182,034 |
2014 |
Determine the heritability of HPPD resistance in common waterhemp and the potential for hybridization of common waterhemp and Palmer Amaranth
$106,815 |
2014 |
Developing an integrated management and communication plan for soybean SDS
$168,462 |
2014 |
Development of the first phosphorus and potassium plant tissue test interpretations for corn and soybean in Iowa
$58,039 |
2014 |
Drainage water quality from manure treated soybean crops assessment of woodchip bioreactors for edge of field treatment
$66,757 |
2014 |
Effects of soil conservation practice (cover crop, crop rotations and tillage) on soybean SDS
$31,107 |
2014 |
Enhancing soybean yield through strategic use of seed treatments for seedling disease and insect pest management
$128,738 |
2014 |
Evaluation and development of a biological control product to control SDS and white mold
$174,193 |
2014 |
Further defining foliar fungicides use on soybean
$67,990 |
2014 |
Humic acid application effects on soybean roots, yield and quality
$40,124 |
2014 |
Modifying Bradyrhizobium japonicum to enhance nodulation soybean disease resistance
$59,611 |
2014 |
Role of ethylene on soybean SDS: Potential use for disease management
$49,824 |
2014 |
The effect of rotations of host resistance genes (Rps) on pathogen avirulence genes (Avr) in the soybean Phytophthora sojae pathosystem
$35,620 |
2014 |
Virus-induced Gene Silencing (VIGS) to Reveal Signal Networks Against Genes Controlling Resistance to Soybean Stress - Soybean Rust (ASR) and, Sclerotinia White Mold (1420-532-5604)
$51,936 |
2013 |
Characterization of the mechanism involved in the SDS-SCN interaction to develop soybean lines with resistance to SDS and to SCN
$61,971 |
2013 |
Development of novel soybean germ plasm for improving soybean for SDS resistance
$90,414 |
2013 |
Evaluation plant pest interactions to optimize soybean yield
$63,948 |
2013 |
Generating Resources to Identify Genes that Control the Oil Quality and Protein Content in Soybean (1320-632-6602)
$148,850 |
2013 |
Generation and use of novel soybean germplasm with enhanced SDS resistance
$105,822 |
2013 |
Getting to know the players on seedling disease field
$39,991 |
2013 |
Improving soybean insect management
$36,008 |
2013 |
Mapping and introgression of RpsN for resistance of Phytophthora root rot into elite soybean lines
$117,354 |
2013 |
Novel control mechanisms for aphid resistance in soybean
$55,493 |
2012 |
21st century management of white mold
$94,877 |
2012 |
An integrated management approach for soybean sudden death syndrome
$122,628 |
2012 |
Are micronutrient deficiencies limiting soybean yield in Iowa?
$58,722 |
2012 |
Assessment of glyphosate and other herbicide-resistant weeds in Iowa: A directed educational opportunity
$33,000 |
2012 |
Building a relationship-driven, resilient applied research program at ISU while addressing several soybean production issues
$158,592 |
2012 |
Combining Integrated Pest Management with Climate Change, Mitigation, and Adaptation in Soybean-Corn Cropping Systems (Year 1 and 2 of 1161)
$263,600 |
2012 |
Determine if expression of a synthetic antibody can confer SDS resistance in soybean
$27,000 |
2012 |
Effect of biochar amendment on soybean root disease potential caused by Fusarium virguliforme and Phytophthora sojae
$50,431 |
2012 |
Exploring soybean aphid and soybean cyst nematode interactions for improved integrated management in Iowa
$109,585 |
2012 |
Exploring viruses to control the soybean aphid
$50,000 |
2012 |
High-Protein Soybeans (Year 1 of 2287)
$149,015 |
2012 |
High-throughput sequencing of Fusarium viguliforme and soybean genes: A study of pathogenicity, defense and environment factors in soybean sudden death syndrome
$117,217 |
2012 |
Japanese beetle and brown marmorated stink bug: New threats to soybean yield?
$36,945 |
2012 |
Managing no-till system for soybean production and its impact on soil productivity
$66,791 |
2012 |
Research and development of a soybean pest identification software application
$28,385 |
2012 |
Utilization of VIGS to identify resistance to agents of stress in soybean
$220,787 |
2011 |
A needs assessment survey and providing IMP-based demonstrations for soybean entomology
$26,840 |
2011 |
Best management practices to break the soybean yield barrier
$69,246 |
2011 |
Establishing seed treatment recommendation for Iowa soybean growers
$23,207 |
2011 |
How does Phytophthora sojae evade detection by Rps genes in soybean
$55,216 |
2011 |
Identification of quantitative trait loci for partial resistance to Phytophthora sojae in soybean
$56,676 |
2011 |
Integration of Soybean Analytics with Modern Animal Nutrition (1296)
$59,805 |
2011 |
Investigating the effect of soil pH on soybean cyst nematode
$22,734 |
2011 |
RNA-based approaches for protecting against yield loss due to Soybean Diseases
$100,968 |
2011 |
Study of endophytic nature of Fusarium virguliforme, the causal agent for SDS and their infection to germinating soybean seeds for the development of SDS management measures
$39,446 |
2011 |
Testing Rag1 and Rag2 alone and together: Is one enough?
$44,104 |
2011 |
The Use of VIGS Technology to Decrease Yield-Reducing Stress in Soybeans (Year 1 of 1251)
$297,632 |
2010 |
Assessing nematode control and yield of SCN-resistant soybean varieties in response to different SCN populations (Hg types)
$234,772 |
2010 |
Development of a field crop weed identification guide
$9,987 |
2010 |
Development of high-throughput DNA-based gene silencing technology for soybeans
$125,000 |
2010 |
Development of Maturity I-IV Varieties for the Better Bean Initiative (Year 2 of 9223)
$194,100 |
2010 |
Entomology extension and research initiative
$162,500 |
2010 |
Extension and research to facilitate the incorporation of soybean aphid resistant varieties into Iowa crop production
$40,091 |
2010 |
Identify the mechanism used by Fusarium virguliforme to cause sudden death syndrome in soybean
$64,648 |
2010 |
NIR Variety Data (0317)
$31,000 |
2010 |
Screening for genetic resistance against soybean viruses
$130,000 |
2010 |
Sequencing the Fusarium viguliforme genome
$106,270 |
2010 |
Soybean development and susceptibility to sudden death syndrome
$32,878 |
2010 |
Soybean production research: Breaking the yield barrier
$150,443 |
2010 |
Towards integrated management of bean pod mottle virus and the prediction of the winter survival of the insect vectors: Bean leaf and Japanese beetles
$101,219 |
2010 |
Toxins and laccases: Potential pathogenic weapons in soybean sudden death syndrome
$50,000 |
2009 |
Agronomic Limitations of Soybean Yield and Seed Quality in U.S. (Year 2 of 8239)
$501,048 |
2009 |
Aphid-crop interactions
$30,000 |
2009 |
Application of Biotechnology to Control of the Soybean Cyst Nematode: SCN Parasitism Genes (Year 3 of 7214)
$317,745 |
2009 |
Application of New Genetic Resources to the Improved Control of Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) (Year 1 of 9218)
$295,870 |
2009 |
Aspects of integrated management for viruses and infection Phomopsis in soybean
$59,059 |
2009 |
Breeding for disease resistance in soybean
$196,771 |
2009 |
Breeding program for general-use and specialty soybeans in Iowa
$193,900 |
2009 |
Characterization of the soybean rust infection process in susceptible and resistance soybean interaction
$75,654 |
2009 |
Concept paper: Improvement of Soybean Protein Content via Storage in Protein Bodies (9280)
$66,687 |
2009 |
Controlling yield-reducing pathogen stress in soybean; Short- and long-term benefits to stable production
$0 |
2009 |
Determining the impact of multiple pests on soybean yields and grain composition
$102,347 |
2009 |
Developing best management practice for soybean aphid control
$0 |
2009 |
Development of a soybean aphid early-warning system to predict aphid outbreaks and provide aphid man
$30,000 |
2009 |
Development of High-throughput DNA-based Gene Silencing Technology for Soybeans (Year 2 of 8251)
$250,000 |
2009 |
Development of Maturity I-IV Varieties for the Better Bean Initiative (Year 1 of 9223)
$188,400 |
2009 |
Dynamic models for seasonal disease prediction of soybean rust in the U.S. soybean production region
$76,418 |
2009 |
Exploring new resistance resources for treating Soybean Diseases
$200,724 |
2009 |
Fusarium species infecting soybean roots: Risks and management tools
$117,000 |
2009 |
Identifying factors that influence genetic diversity in endemic Phytophthora sojae populations
$77,800 |
2009 |
Impact of continuous corn production on sudden death syndrome of soybean: Studies to investigate disease management options
$55,000 |
2009 |
Improving soybean productivity through knowledge on the biology and epidemiology of soilborne fungal pathogens and soybean rust
$177,214 |
2009 |
Improving soybean profitability in Iowa by reducing the hidden effects of brown stem rot and its interaction with the soybean cyst nematode
$70,806 |
2009 |
Increasing Iowa soybean profitability by renewing interest in managing the soybean cyst nematode
$187,697 |
2009 |
Introgression of novel genes conferring resistance to SCN in soybean germ plasm of early maturity grow
$159,730 |
2009 |
Investigations of interactions between the soybean aphid and soybean cyst nematode
$0 |
2009 |
Non-host resistance for engineering disease resistance in soybean
$30,000 |
2009 |
On-farm re-evaluation of soybean response to lime application in Iowa
$62,473 |
2009 |
Optimizing no-tillage soybean production practices in Iowa
$130,615 |
2009 |
Optimizing pest management in soybeans
$103,021 |
2009 |
Quantifying the temporal and spatial spread of bean pod mottle virus and to identify site risk factors to improve BPMV management and soybean yield
$42,202 |
2009 |
Refining thresholds for soybean aphid management in Iowa
$47,940 |
2009 |
Relationships between grain yield, potassium removal and recycling, as soil potassium in corn-soybean rotations
$49,490 |
2009 |
Releasing Binodoxys communis of soybean aphid suppression: Delivering on the promise
$33,061 |
2009 |
Searching for partial resistance to soybean rust through studies on the timeline of resistance components to Phakopsora pachyrhizi on soybean and alternative hosts
$36,077 |
2009 |
Soybean seed treatment and inoculant evaluation
$13,270 |
2009 |
Symptom expression in sudden death syndrome: How does Fusarium virguliforme cause disease?
$36,953 |
2009 |
Understanding aggressiveness and genetic variability in pathogen populations to improve management of sudden death syndrome
$46,294 |
2009 |
Understanding high yielding soybeans
$60,449 |
| Total | $17,832,771 |