Seed treatment effects on the seed & soil microbiome
Sustainable Production
GeneticsGenomicsSeed quality
Parent Project:
This is the first year of this project.
Lead Principal Investigator:
Gary Munkvold, Iowa State University
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:
The spermosphere refers to the soil environment in the zone around the soybean seed from the time it is planted until a root system is established. The spermosphere is chemically and biologically altered by the presence of the seed and anything applied to the seed, but there is very little information about the specific changes that take place as a result of using different seed treatments. In order to understand these seed treatment effects, we will conduct experiments in the growth chamber and in the field with different soybean cultivars treated with various chemical and biological seed treatments, with or without inoculation with pathogens such as Fusarium graminearum. Soil from the...
Unique Keywords:
#soil fertility
Information And Results
Project Summary

The spermosphere refers to the soil environment in the zone around the soybean seed from the time it is planted until a root system is established. The spermosphere is chemically and biologically altered by the presence of the seed and anything applied to the seed, but there is very little information about the specific changes that take place as a result of using different seed treatments. In order to understand these seed treatment effects, we will conduct experiments in the growth chamber and in the field with different soybean cultivars treated with various chemical and biological seed treatments, with or without inoculation with pathogens such as Fusarium graminearum. Soil from the planting zone will be sampled just before planting. After planting, seeds and soil from the spermosphere will be carefully excavated at intervals and the microbiome will be characterized using amplicon sequencing to profile the bacterial and fungal microbial communities. This will allow us to measure changes in the entire microbial community, including both pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms in the spermosphere, providing insight into the mechanisms by which seed treatments affect crop performance.

Project Objectives

Seed treatments are known to have benefits for crop performance, but there is little information about exactly how they affect detrimental and beneficial microbes’ colonization of the spermosphere as it germinates and how long these effects last. Presumably, there are long-term consequence on plant performance that are dictated by early colonization events.
We will learn about the reaction of soil microflora, including pathogens, to the presence of different seed treatment products on soybean seeds.

Project Deliverables

Work plan includes conducting growth chamber experiments at the SSC and field experiments in multiple locations with different soil types, using seed/soil inoculation with pathogens representing different fungal genera. Seed treatment active ingredients have not been determined, but the plan will include multiple chemical and biological active ingredients targeting fungi and Oomycetes.

Progress Of Work

Updated January 25, 2024:
In the first year of this project, our primary task was to identify a graduate student to work on the project and establish an experimental system that would allow reliable microbiome sampling of spermosphere, rhizosphere, and endosphere. We successfully recruited a first-year student in the Interdepartmental Microbiology Graduate program after she had completed a rotation in our lab, joining the project May 2023. Here we outline progress made in establishing our experimental system. First, we decided to use soil from a typically managed corn-soybean rotation at the Marsden Long-term cropping system experimental site. This site was selected because the management history is well documented and our prior experience using this site for studies examining how crop diversification influences the soybean rhizosphere and endosphere microbiome. Second, we selected Williams82 soybean as the genotype to be used in these studies given its history and its well-characterized genetics. Third, preliminary experiments were conducted to identify a reasonable growth temperature for these experiments. We selected growth at 20 °C in order to mimic cool soil conditions during the planting season, while still allowing for relatively rapid germination and uniform emergence, facilitating collection of microbiome samples from plants at similar developmental stages. From this finding we were able to establish a timeline for collecting spermosphere and then rhizosphere and endosphere microbiome samples. Frequency of sampling will decrease over time since we anticipate seed treatments to have the greatest influence on the spermosphere microbiome assembly and the influence of the seed treatment on the rhizosphere and endosphere microbiome will diminish as the root develops (See Figure 1). We will grow plants in containers packed to the same bulk density. Fourth, in ongoing experiments we are exploring two approaches (Figure 2) for inoculating soil with F. graminearum that would result in increased pathogen pressure without killing all the plants or making them too sickly. This will allow us to assess potential interactions between seed treatments and pathogen pressure on the soybean spermosphere and rhizosphere/endosphere microbiomes. Lastly, we are working to optimize DNA extraction from rhizosphere/spermosphere samples and plant endosphere for microbiome analyses and for assessing the extent of F. graminearum infection of plants.
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Final Project Results

Benefit To Soybean Farmers

These results will be valuable for making decisions about seed treatment usage in soybean

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.