2024 |
Quantifying nitrogen credits from soybean
$358,799 |
2023 |
Breeding and Screening Soybeans for Mature Seed Damage
$333,179 |
2022 |
Compile Estimates of Soybean Yield Suppression by Diseases in the Southern U.S. during 2021
$5,000 |
2022 |
Insect Loss Estimates in Soybean for 2021
$5,000 |
2022 |
Screening and Breeding Soybeans for Resistance to Mature Soybean Seed Damage
$338,603 |
2021 |
Characterize root microbial communities with anti-fungal activities in soybean
$122,001 |
2019 |
2,4-D and dicamba resistant soybeans: stewardship and testing
$41,472 |
2019 |
Assessing soybean injury from dicamba applications using multispectral imaging on a small UAV
$13,200 |
2019 |
Breeding Soybeans for Resistance to Mature Soybean Seed Damage (1920-172-0125-C)
$249,896 |
2019 |
Characterization of antifungal activity of endophytic bacteria associated with the charcoal rot disease system in soybean
$36,355 |
2019 |
Characterization of soybean taproot decline pathogen; a new disease and pathogen in Mississippi soybean production fields
$80,972 |
2019 |
Completion of molecular characterization of charcoal rot fungus mycoviruses
$23,500 |
2019 |
Crop rotation and risk management for Miss. soybean production
$35,200 |
2019 |
Delta Agricultural Weather Center
$30,000 |
2019 |
Dicamba volatility under field conditions
$43,475 |
2019 |
Effect of cover cropping systems on dryland soybean plant vigor, growth, and yield,
$62,328 |
2019 |
Enhancement of Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials through entry standardization
$42,661 |
2019 |
Evaluation of Palmer amaranth control with summer and winter annual cover crops alone and coupled with herbicides
$40,860 |
2019 |
Evaluation of the effects of flooding on soybean growth and yield
$11,811 |
2019 |
Herbicide efficacy and economic return as affected by Precision Agricultural Technology
$46,560 |
2019 |
Identification of mycotoxins used in soybean root infection by charcoal rot pathogen and other fungi
$62,961 |
2019 |
Understanding in-field soil moisture variability and its effect on irrigation
$49,815 |
2019 |
Using weeds as a resource to develop herbivore-resistant soybean
$66,590 |
2019 |
Video support for Mississippi soybean producers
$16,259 |
2018 |
Influence of cover crops on early season insect pest dynamics in Mississippi soybeans
$50,121 |
2017 |
Agronomic and Economic Evaluation of Soybean/Corn Rotation with Twin-Row Production and Increased Nutrient Management
$26,427 |
2017 |
Agronomic and Irrigation Efficiency Impacts of Conservation Tillage and Cover Crops in Soybean Production: Three-Year Results
$1 |
2017 |
Agronomic Evaluation of USDA Heat-Tolerant Maturity Group III Soybean Germplasm for Use in the Early Soybean Production System
$14,964 |
2017 |
Effect of Incremental Sub-Threshold Levels of Insect Defoliation on Yield of Soybeans in Mississippi
$71,858 |
2017 |
Effects of the Introduction of Feed Grains into Mid-South Soybean Production Systems (1720-172-0122)
$51,050 |
2017 |
Improved Management of Charcoal Rot
$346,578 |
2017 |
Redbanded Stink Bugs: An Immediate Threat to Miss. Soybean Producers
$29,043 |
2016 |
Cover crop and tillage effects on irrigation application efficiency, irrigation scheduling, soil physical properties, runoff, soybean yield, and economic return
$89,592 |
2016 |
Effect of silicon on growth and yield of soybean grown on dryland or nonirrigated sites
$33,379 |
2016 |
Hester Fellowship-Effect of incremental sub-threshold levels of insect defoliation on yield of soybeans in Mississippi
$71,363 |
2016 |
Influence of cover crops on early season insect pest dynamics in Mississippi soybeans
$49,835 |
2016 |
Weed management programs for Mississippi soybean production
$116,994 |
2015 |
Blaine Fellowship-Managing charcoal rot using soil incorporated nutrients
$70,800 |
2015 |
Costs and benefits of on-farm water storage (OFWS) systems
$67,896 |
2015 |
Effect of spray additives on spray droplet size, coverage, and efficacy
$15,131 |
2015 |
Effects of the introduction of feed grains into Mid-South soybean production systems
$201,000 |
2015 |
Irrigation water management for Southern Region soybean growers
$50,000 |
2015 |
Irrigation Water Management for Southern Region Soybean Growers (1520-732-7233)
$461,270 |
2015 |
Nematode management investigations in Mississippi soybean production systems
$38,808 |
2015 |
Soybean physiological maturity: documentation and developing a tool for management
$100,718 |
2015 |
Soybean storage profitability and marketing strategies for Mississippi soybean growers
$30,792 |
2015 |
Web application for flexible pipe calculation system
$26,487 |
2014 |
Assessing the impact of the new farm bill on Mississippi soybean farms
$28,280 |
2014 |
Bee project: Assessing impact of neonicotinoid (NEO) seed treatments on pollinators
$53,467 |
2014 |
Characterization of endophytic microbial communities associated with charcoal rot disease in soybean
$55,157 |
2014 |
Characterization of the resistance potential for the diamide insecticides: Belt and Prevathon
$33,466 |
2014 |
Developing strategies for improving furrow irrigation efficiency
$76,301 |
2014 |
Evaluation of soybean plant response to tillage system
$12,000 |
2014 |
Impact of irrigation initiation timing on plant development and yield of indeterminate and determinate soybean varieties
$48,711 |
2014 |
Impact of planting date and maturity group on management strategies for insect pests in Mississippi
$55,694 |
2014 |
Impact of Tillage and Residue Management on Soil Biodiversity Under Soybean-Corn Rotation (Year 1 of 1420-732-7234)
$69,804 |
2014 |
Investigations into strobilurin fungicide resistance of soybean pathogens in Mississippi
$53,581 |
2014 |
Large-scale drift assessment with aerial imagery and ground-based spectral reflectance
$39,966 |
2014 |
MSU-ES on-farm soybean variety demonstration program
$46,118 |
2014 |
Nematode management investigations and varietal response to nematode pressure in old cotton field settings
$39,192 |
2014 |
Response and net profit of genetically enhanced and conventional soybean varieties to fertilizer amendments on low nutrient soils in rain fed and irrigated production systems
$57,434 |
2014 |
Row crop irrigation science extension and research (RISER) program
$136,803 |
2014 |
Soybean vein necrosis virus (SVNV), a relatively new soybean pathogen
$49,599 |
2013 |
Agronomic and economic evaluation of soybean/corn rotation with twin-row production and increased nutrient management
$14,445 |
2013 |
Bufkin Fellowship - Effect of fall-seeded cereal cover crops when used in soybeans for control of Palmer amaranth in Mississippi soybeans
$65,806 |
2013 |
Delta agricultural weather project
$22,955 |
2013 |
Determining environmental management schemes to influence the development of poor seed quality in MG IV and MG V soybean
$268,506 |
2013 |
Determining the effect of low concentrations of dicamba and 2,4-D on soybean growth and yield
$36,975 |
2013 |
Developing profitable deficit irrigation guidelines for Mississippi soybean production systems
$52,301 |
2013 |
Developing scientific irrigation scheduling methods for Mississippi soybean production systems
$34,977 |
2013 |
Development of agricultural applications for use on Apple iPhone and iPad
$10,000 |
2013 |
Estimation of deer damage to soybean production in Mississippi: A spatial and temporal context
$68,186 |
2013 |
Evaluation of commodity programs, crop insurance, and forward pricing alternatives for Mississippi soybean farms
$30,726 |
2013 |
Evaluation of effects of residual glyphosate and its soil metabolites on growth and development of soybeans
$15,000 |
2013 |
Mitigating herbicide spray drift under field conditions
$37,179 |
2013 |
Soybean management by application of research and technology (SMART): Support of on-farm soybean verification programs and other extension activities
$139,319 |
2013 |
Three-cornered alfalfa hopper (TCAH) management in soybeans
$9,455 |
2013 |
Video support for Mississippi soybean producers
$15,430 |
2013 |
Yield and economic responses of soybean to irrigation initiation on clay soil in Mississippi
$25,322 |
2012 |
Corn and soybean crop residue management impact on soil quality, yield, and returns
$21,000 |
2012 |
Evaluation of farm policy alternatives for Mississippi soybean farms
$35,375 |
2012 |
Evaluation of the impact of fertility and fungicide application timing for the prevention of Phomopsis seed decay (and late season Cercospora)
$62,550 |
2012 |
Improving soybean nutrient management using timely soil testing programs
$10,480 |
2012 |
Irrigation use and efficiency in soybean production systems in Mississippi
$47,440 |
2012 |
Lepidopteron insect pest management in soybeans
$39,000 |
2012 |
On-farm validation of the Mississippi irrigation scheduler tool (MIST)
$64,310 |
2012 |
Preventing seed rot and poor seed quality in MG IV soybean
$128,260 |
2012 |
Rapid ID of soybean fungi by spectroscopic techniques
$75,045 |
2012 |
Soybean disease monitoring for Mississippi soybean producers
$61,500 |
2012 |
The influence of long-term glyphosate use in soybean
$15,750 |
2012 |
The Mississippi YIELD project
$161,260 |
2012 |
Validity of current K recommendations for high yielding soybeans with respect to grain yield and disease control
$30,922 |
2011 |
Biology and management of herbicide resistant/tolerant weeds in Mississippi
$50,000 |
2011 |
Economic analysis and practicality of crop insurance programs for Mississippi soybean producers and economic assessment of potential soybean production in southeast Mississippi
$34,877 |
2011 |
Irrigation use and efficiency and the sustainability of soil and water resources in soybean production systems in Mississippi
$75,000 |
2011 |
Management and ecology of redbanded stink bug
$38,450 |
2011 |
Managing soybean production on low nutrient status soils in Mississippi
$37,631 |
2011 |
Managing transgenic crops as weeds in soybean cropping systems
$34,000 |
2010 |
Addressing agronomic and management issues related to soybean production and soil loam soils
$23,000 |
2010 |
Characterization of alternative soybean storage practices and their effects on post-harvest quality
$30,500 |
2010 |
Control, characterization and identification of potential novel resistance of the late-season soybean disease Cercospora leaf blight and frogeye leaf spot
$53,475 |
2010 |
Development of a rapid genetic field race test for soybean cyst nematode (SCN) and generation of SCN resistance through gene inactivation
$54,850 |
2010 |
Internet access to soybean information in Mississippi
$2,000 |
2010 |
Management of seed rot and poor seed quality with insecticides and fungicides combinations in soybean
$45,000 |
2010 |
Maximizing Soybean Yield Potential and Profitability: Surpassing the Recent Plateau (Year 1 of 0287)
$45,000 |
2010 |
Mississippi soybean basis: Changes, impacts and implications
$18,720 |
2010 |
Seeking the cause of bud proliferation syndrome in Mississippi
$16,500 |
2010 |
Soybean rust monitoring
$70,000 |
2010 |
Survey of Mississippi Delta for the spread and distribution of glyphosate resistant and other herbicide resistant weeds
$33,136 |
2009 |
Addressing critical soybean weed control issues in Mississippi
$60,000 |
2009 |
Economics of soybean maturity groups' yield response to insecticides seed treatments with early planting dates
$35,954 |
2009 |
Enhancement of Mississippi soybean trials through entry standardization
$36,000 |
2009 |
Establishing an economic threshold for late-season stink bugs
$7,733 |
2009 |
Establishment, colonization, toxin production and development of the charcoal rot fungus, Macrophomina phaseolina, on soybean during the disease life cycle-toxin: Basic biology for control
$23,000 |
2009 |
Evaluation of critical shattering time of early-maturity soybeans under early soybean production systems
$5,000 |
2009 |
Evaluation of private and public soybean varieties and breeding lines for resistance to stem canker, frogeye leaf spot, purple leaf and pod stain, black root rot and rust
$49,089 |
2009 |
Impact of fungicides and production systems on the management of soybean rust and other diseases in Mississippi soybeans
$75,500 |
2009 |
Impact of insect pests on soybean yields at different growth stages
$65,000 |
2009 |
Impact of starter fertilizers on growth and yield of March, April, and May-planted soybean
$43,875 |
2009 |
Impact of tillage, raised seedbed, corn rotation, fungicides, twin-rows, and seedling rates within various row configurations for soybean production in Mississippi
$43,875 |
2009 |
Screening soybean varieties for resistance to the soybean cyst nematode and reniform nematode to enhance soybean production
$17,250 |
2009 |
Soybean management for application of research and technology program: Collaborative initiative through Mississippi State and private consulting sector
$119,431 |
2009 |
Use of seed and in-furrow applied fungicides to suppress the development of soybean rust and charcoal rot
$18,690 |
2009 |
Viruses of soybean in Mississippi: A case study
$21,414 |
| Total | $7,869,601 |