North Carolina State University


Associated Projects

Year Project Name Funded
2023 A Statewide Survey of Stink Bug and Natural Enemies in Soybean $8,007
2023 Accelerating Soybean Variety Development through the Use of Winter Nursery Facilities in Puerto Rico $24,500
2023 Assessing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Sensors and Software for Estimating Soybean Maturity $4,500
2023 Better Together: Collaborating across the NC Soybean Sector to Develop a Dynamic Webpage Housing Arising Problems from the Field $33,833
2023 Cover Crop and Tillage Interactions for Higher Soybean Yield in North Carolina Coastal Plain $28,150
2023 Defining the Yield Reduction of Soybean in Soils with Increasing Saltwater Intrusion Issues $17,294
2023 Delivering the Soybean Best Management Practices that Maximize Profitability $41,717
2023 Detecting In-Season Crop Water Stress to Improve Climate Resiliency and Nutrient Use $46,620
2023 Evaluating Field Efficacy and Mechanistic Activity of Commercial Microbial Inoculants on Soybean Production in North Carolina $31,768
2023 Evaluation of Biological and Alternative Products for Management of Sting and Root-knot Nematode in Soybean $10,000
2023 Identifying Target Genes to Improve Soybean Heat Tolerance $35,236
2023 Investigating Weed Control Issues with Glyphosate Formulations and Tank-mixes $15,706
2023 Reevaluating and Refining Defoliation Thresholds in North Carolina Soybean $36,321
2023 Soybean Problem Diagnosis Support for Cooperative Extension Agents $1,780
2022 Amplifying Extension Impact: Agronomists Collaboratively Delivering Soybean Best Management Practices $85,045
2022 Evaluation of Soybean Varieties for Climate Resiliency and Nutrient Use $30,330
2022 Field Evaluation of Condensed Tannins as a White-Tailed Deer Repellent for Soybeans and Cotton $69,235
2022 Maintenance of Long-Term Soil Test Calibration Trials in North Carolina $11,700
2022 Piloting a Data Science Extension Program to Advance Data-Driven Soybean Production $86,024
2022 Producing the Data and Developing the Tool Needed to Optimize Soybean Production in North Carolina $74,325
2022 Statewide Sampling and Screening of Palmer amaranth Populations Response to PPO, Liberty, dicamba, 2,4-D, and Group 15 Herbicides. $15,706
2022 Supporting County-Level Soybean Activities $20,000
2022 Towards Holistic Management of Meloidogyne enterolobii (Guava Root-knot Nematode) in North Carolina Soybeans $10,500
2021 Valuation for Differentiation of NC Soybean Meal in Poultry and Livestock Feed Formulation $20,000
2021 Amplifying QSSB Investment through National Collaborative Research $23,188
2021 Breeding for Flood Tolerance in Soybean for NC - Building on Success $25,000
2021 Evaluating UAV (drone) Use for Within Season Management Decisions in NC Soybeans $43,798
2021 Impact of Harvest Aid Product on Y&Q of Soybeans $29,120
2021 Impact of Harvest Aid Timing on Y&Q of Soybeans $20,880
2021 Leveraging Real-time Insect Traps and Data Analytics to Improve Corn Earworm Risk Prediction $18,500
2021 Management Impact on Seed Quality in Earlier Maturing Soybeans $19,655
2021 Managing Resistant Weeds in the Absence of Auxin Herbicides $12,000
2021 Screening Soybean PI Lines for Resistance to Meloidogyne enterolobii and Investigating Nematode Suppression through Cover Crop Varieties $9,000
2021 Supplemental Fertilization Strategies for High-Yielding Soybeans in NC $16,599
2021 Understanding the Soybean Equipment Investments that Impact Profitability $20,838
2021 What Foliar Products Will Narrow the Soybean Yield Gap? $11,650
2021 Will the Increased Planting of Indeterminate Soybean Varieties Extend the Time Corn Earworm Can Infest Soybeans? $51,000
2020 Amplifying Extension Impact: Agronomists Collaboratively Delivering Soybean Best Management Practices $58,245
2020 Continuation of Off-season Winter Nursery in Puerto Rico for Soybean Breeding $20,000
2020 Effect of Herbicide Carryover and Assessing Variety Differential Response to Various Modes of Action $20,000
2020 Herbicide Resistant Weed Screening $5,000
2020 Hot Topic Video Education Series for NC Soybean Producers’ $4,000
2020 Impact of Desiccant Applications on Early Maturing Soybeans $25,000
2020 Impact of Fungicide on Early Maturing Soybeans $25,000
2020 North Carolina Soybean Yield Gap Survey $9,960
2020 Protein-based Thermotolerance Markers for Sustainable Legume Protein Production $7,500
2020 Recalibration of Phosphorus and Potassium Recommendations for High-Yielding Soybeans in North Carolina $31,548
2020 Screening Wild Soybean Germplasm for Meloidogyne enterolobii Resistance $9,000
2020 Soybean Problem Diagnosis Support for Cooperative Extension Agents $1,780
2019 Building a Smarter Pheromone Trap Network: Development of a Real-Time, Infrared Sensor for Corn Earworm Pheromone Traps $13,300
2019 County Based Mini-Proposals and Soybean Agent Training $15,320
2019 Determining Soybean Yield Impact from Foliar Nutrient Feeding $16,300
2019 Does Early Planting Date Justify Fungicidal Seed Treatment in Soybeans? $5,990
2019 Effects of Poultry Litter Application on Soybean Yield and Quality $15,221
2019 Evaluation of Micronutrient Timings $50,000
2019 Identification of Novel QTLs Associated with Race 2 SCN $16,681
2019 Management of Early Maturity Soybeans in the Carolinas $3,844
2019 Maximizing Soybean Yield through Maturity Group and Population Selection Based on Soybean Planting Date $39,772
2019 NC On-Farm Soybean Variety Trial Program $16,640
2019 Should There Be a Different Corn Earworm Threshold for Determinate and Indeterminate Soybean Varieties? $41,000
2019 The Use of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi to Improve Potassium Acquisition in Soybean in North Carolina $39,540
2019 Uncovering Winter Crop Effect on Soybean Production in North Carolina $25,926
2018 Cover Crop Demos $12,500
2018 Development of a High Yield System for MG 3-4 Soybeans $5,000
2018 Development of a Rapid Monitoring and Testing Strategy for Early Detection of Glufosinate Resistant Palmer Amaranth in Soybean Fields $40,000
2018 Flood Tolerant Varieties for NC - Building on Success $30,000
2018 Improving and Reducing Costs of Control for Caterpillar Pests in Soybean $20,284
2018 Plant Tissue Sampling $12,750
2018 Profitable Soybean Practices for MG 3-4 Soybeans $10,000
2018 SCN Race Testing $9,550
2018 Screening NC OVT Soybeans for Potential Resistance to Meloidogyne enterolobii $17,310
2018 Screening Soybean Varieties for Resistance to SCN Race 2 $13,142
2018 Soybean Dry-Land Maximum Yield $21,562
2018 Soybean Maturity Group & Planting Date $98,500
2018 Soybean Nitrogen Metabolism: Investigating a Potential Link between Drought Tolerance, Yield, and Seed Composition $10,500
2018 Uniform Soybean Emergence $5,000
2017 Chemical Management of Nematode Damages & Populations $14,810
2017 Continuation of Off-Season Winter Nursery & NC-Dilday Seed Increase $25,600
2017 Desiccant Application Timing & Yield Effect $27,500
2017 Evaluating Seed Composition Stability Under Environmental Stress $2,500
2017 Evaluation of Commercial Soybean Varieties for Drought Resistance $23,000
2017 Fungicide Resistance of Cercospora sojina in NC Soybean Fields $14,310
2017 Improving and Reducing Costs for Control for Caterpillar Pests $30,805
2017 Increasing Yields & Profitability for Mid-Atlantic Double-Crop Soybean $9,212
2017 Minimizing Carryover Herbicide Damage to NC Soybean Production $25,200
2017 Soybean Problem Diagnosis Support for Extension Agents $1,780
2017 Varietal Response to Planting Date Trial $72,500
2017 Variety Demonstrations $9,121
2016 County Based Mini-Proposals $10,000
2016 Foliar Potential Yield Enhancements $14,570
2016 Fungicide Application Timing Trial $41,000
2016 Identifying Mechanisms of Kudzu Bug Resistance $24,300
2016 Introducing Cover Crops into Corn-Soybean Rotation $11,353
2016 Investigating Suspected Herbicide Resistant Weed Populations $12,440
2016 Nitrogen & Sulfur Trial $59,000
2016 Non-Foliar Potential Yield Enhancements $18,288
2016 Potassium Soil Test Study $10,800
2016 SCN Race Study - Coastal Plain $5,975
2016 Stem Canker Resistance $7,537
2015 Continuation of off-season winter nursery in Puerto Rico for soybean breeding in North Carolina $24,000
2015 County based mini-proposals $10,000
2015 Diagnostic support for Cooperative Extension Agents soybean problems $1,780
2015 Foliar potential yield enhancements $14,413
2015 Identification and utilization of agronomically valuable seed storage protein variants in wild soybean $15,000
2015 Identifying stress resistance in wild soybean and transferring the trait to cultivated soybean $28,200
2015 Impact of kudzu bug activity at different times of the day control decisions $30,592
2015 Non-foliar potential yield enhancements $17,944
2015 Proper use and application of growth regulators: A field day location $14,000
2015 Refining Palmer amaranth management with new technologies $12,000
2015 Soybean harvest aids $14,513
2015 Soybean recovery from drought: A potentially important trait in the development of tolerant varieties $28,500
2015 Variety demonstrations $9,172
2014 Continuation of off-season winter nursery for soybean breeding in North Carolina $15,000
2014 Field evaluations of high oil and large seeded soybean breeding lines derived from two different recurrent selection programs $11,700
2014 Identifying stress resistance in wild soybean and transferring the trait to cultivated soybean $28,200
2014 Increasing soybean yields using insect-resistant varieties $3,000
2014 Survey of the importance to soybean growers and first purchasers of purple seed stain and Phomopsis seed decay in North Carolina $28,200
2013 AMPLIFY: Increasing soybean yields through enhanced understanding of genetic, environmental, and management interactions $13,903
2013 Automated water control structures for increased soybean yield and quality $32,511
2013 Developing a virus-based control strategy for soybean cyst nematode $36,074
2013 High yielding soybean cultivars and germplasm with improved fatty acid and protein content $69,354
2013 Identifying novel oil and protein genes in wild soybean and graduate education of a North Carolinian in soybean breeding $21,915
2013 Impact of planting date and maturity group of North Carolina soybean on Kudzu Bug $7,364
2013 Insect threats and issues for North Carolina soybean $4,598
2013 Marker assisted selection to develop soybean cultivars resistant to cyst nematode $11,696
2013 Modification of Gleaner K-2 combine for harvesting official variety tests $6,313
2013 Novel agchem and herbicide combinations for control of herbicide resistant weeds $27,957
2013 Reducing climate risks through planting date and maturity group selection $16,323
2013 Refining management strategies of problematic and resistant weeds in soybean $20,917
2013 Soybean variety trials for organic farmers $21,419
2013 Stink bug thresholds for North Carolina soybean $6,318
2013 Technician salary support $4,284
2013 Twin row soybeans $6,313
2012 Continuation of off-season winter nursery for soybean breeding in North Carolina $13,500
2012 Creating a corn earworm threshold for flowering North Carolina soybeans $8,554
2012 Development of high protein high yielding varieties for the export market $21,159
2012 High yielding soybean cultivars and germplasm with improved fatty acid content $28,762
2012 High yielding soybean cultivars and germplasm with improved protein content $28,762
2012 Identification and characterization of antigenic soybean proteins $15,000
2012 Improving soybean yield by identifying mechanisms and varieties that facilitate the translocation of starch from leaves and stem to the seed during periods of stress $25,450
2012 Marker assisted selection to develop soybean cultivars resistant to cyst nematodes $12,412
2012 Populations of indeterminate soybeans $6,000
2012 Residue management strategies for North Carolina soybean production $8,800
2012 Selecting high oil soybean varieties $3,000
2012 Sentinel plots for early detection of soybean rust $18,860
2012 Soybean problem diagnosis support for cooperative extension agents $1,370
2012 Targeting Root-Knot and Reniform Nematode Parasitism Genes to Develop Novel Resistance in Soybean (Year 1 of 2280) $270,269
2012 Technical salary support $10,509
2012 Variety demonstrations $5,400
2012 Water use efficiency of soil-water-sensor-controlled irrigation with a subsurface drip irrigation system contrasted with center pivot Irrigation in a corn-wheat-soybean crop rotation $15,742
2011 Development of high protein high yielding varieties for the export market $20,000
2011 Development of new sampling methods and a threshold calculator for managing major soybean insect pests $6,600
2011 Development of new stink bug thresholds and pod-safe development stage for soybeans $5,500
2011 Effects of tillage systems and Piedmont soil physical properties on soil profile moisture dynamics and soybean yield $24,804
2011 Identification and characterization of antigenic soybean proteins $15,000
2011 In-service weed management training for cooperative Extension agents and other agribusiness groups $5,000
2011 Poultry litter and deer $6,700
2011 Refining management strategies for problematic and resistant weeds in soybean $10,000
2011 Rotation for management of soybean cyst nematode $14,700
2011 Roundup Ready 2 Yield vs. Roundup Ready soybeans $8,325
2011 Soybean insect threats and issues $7,400
2011 Soybean variety information booklet $4,000
2011 Survey of plant-parasitic nematodes and races of soybean cyst nematode prevalent in North Carolina, Virginia and South Carolina production areas $34,400
2011 Testing advanced soybean lines in the NC official variety trials $6,000
2011 Verification of granular spreader distribution patterns $6,000
2010 A fact sheet on using GPS to test foliar products on soybeans $1,200
2010 Continuation of off-season winter nursery for soybean breeding in North Carolina $13,500
2010 County demonstration projects $10,000
2010 Evaluating blends of soybean cyst nematode (SCN) resistant and susceptible varieties for management of SCN $10,398
2010 Management and surveillance of Asiatic soybean rust in North Carolina $23,250
2010 Optimizing the roll-till/no-till organic soybean production $14,087
2010 Populations of Roundup Ready soybeans $8,400
2010 Rapid Development of Environmentally Stable Mid-Oleic Soybeans (0237) $32,906
2010 Soybean cultivars and germplasm adapted to North Carolina growing conditions $44,985
2010 Soybean cultivars resistant to soybean cyst nematode races 2 and 4 $10,625
2010 Soybean variety demonstrations $6,000
2010 Using GPS to test foliar products on soybeans $4,600
2009 Cover crops for management of soybean cyst nematode $5,000
2009 Drought tolerant varieties $7,025
2009 Evaluation of Abamictin as a seed treatment for control of soybean cyst nematode $20,000
2009 Manganese-Roundup interaction $9,025
2009 On-farm evaluation of resistant varieties for management of soybean cyst nematode $9,880
2009 Potential yield enhancements $6,300
2009 Weed management tactics for no-till organic soybean production $9,963