2024 |
Developing and releasing high-yielding soybean varieties/germplasm with climate-resilience and genetic diversity across maturity group 00 to VIII
$334,542 |
2023 |
Applied Soybean Production Research for Virginia
$72,252 |
2023 |
Building airborne inoculum surveillance networks for improved management of frogeye leaf spot
$26,865 |
2023 |
Confirmation and molecular description of disease suppressive bacteria discovered in the Williams L
$5,455 |
2023 |
Developing Non-GMO Soybean with Reduced Allergenicity and Improved Amino Acid Contents Via Genome Editing
$104,912 |
2023 |
Development of Disease Resistant Soybean Germplasm
$32,508 |
2023 |
Development of Improved Soybean Varieties and Germplasm Adapted to Virginia
$70,673 |
2023 |
Development of Soybean Varieties and Germplasm with High Protein Digestibility Using both Genome Ed
$60,000 |
2023 |
Eastern Virginia AREC Soybean Research Support
$10,000 |
2023 |
Evaluating soybean varieties for isoflavone health bioactive components
$5,000 |
2023 |
Evaluating the effect of protein hydrolysate biostimulants on the yield of soybean
$10,222 |
2023 |
Evaluation of alternative soil amendments and foliar fertilizer products for Virginia soybean
$22,180 |
2023 |
Identification of Perfect DNA Markers to Develop High Protein Soybean Cultivars
$28,670 |
2023 |
Soybean Weed Management 2023
$27,500 |
2023 |
Study in the USA: Mississippi Delta - Production, Culture, and Social Aspects of United States Agri
$7,000 |
2023 |
Survey of stink bugs and their management in Virginia soybeans
$18,193 |
2023 |
Trials to evaluate nematode management products in Virginia soybeans and HG-typing soybean fields
$20,076 |
2022 |
Characterization of Soybean Cyst Nematode and Sudden Death Syndrome Occurrences in Virginia Soybean
$18,000 |
2022 |
Management of threecornered alfalfa hopper in Virginia soybean
$25,000 |
2021 |
Boosting the Profitability of Soybean by Bundling High Methionine with High Oleic Acid
$69,383 |
2020 |
Toward Development of High Protein Soybean Cultivars
$14,800 |
2019 |
Best management practices for insect pests in Virginia soybean
$15,000 |
2019 |
Development of Improved Soybean Varieties and Germplasm Adapted to Virginia
$42,500 |
2019 |
Development of Soybean Varieties and Germplasm with High Protein Digestibility
$42,000 |
2019 |
Disease Management in Virginia Soybean
$10,000 |
2019 |
Herbicide and Integrated Soybean Weed Management 2019
$20,359 |
2019 |
Improving Seedling Emergence of Value-Added Low Phytate Soybeans
$19,000 |
2019 |
Learning to Serve the Soybean Industry
$7,000 |
2019 |
Nematode Management in Virginia Soybean
$15,000 |
2019 |
Site-Specific Practices for Profitable Virginia Soybean
$46,806 |
2019 |
Soybean-Based Rotations for Virginia
$10,000 |
2019 |
Use of Genomics to Develop Disease Resistant Soybeans
$21,000 |
2017 |
Increasing yields and profitability for mid atlantic double crop soybeans
$5,618 |
2015 |
Breeding for drought-tolerance in the soybean super organism
$49,072 |
2015 |
Development of genetically engineered soybean varieties and germplasm with high protein digestibility
$36,551 |
2015 |
Improved soybean varieties and germplasm adapted to Virginia
$39,582 |
2015 |
Improvement of drought tolerance in soybeans
$19,723 |
2015 |
Increasing Yields and Profitability for Mid-Atlantic Double-Crop Soybean (1520-832-8273)
$37,475 |
2015 |
The role of invasive tree-wooded borders on Brown Marmorated Stink Bug infections in soybeans and residual efficacy of Insecticides
$7,925 |
2015 |
Validation, optimization, and deployment of weather-based disease advisory model for soybean
$22,931 |
2014 |
Enhancing soybean research and Extension programs via plot harvest effectiveness-plot combine equipment
$154,200 |
2014 |
Hiring a new soybean breeder
$42,677 |
2014 |
Investigating the role of invasive tree-wooded borders on brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) infestations in soybeans and residual efficacy of insecticides
$7,088 |
2014 |
On-farm investigation and evaluation of soybean production strategies
$9,700 |
2014 |
Optimization of early-season vegetative growth and seed yield of double-crop soybean systems
$45,500 |
2014 |
Pre-mixes of fungicides and grower-advisory models for improved profitability of sprays on soybeans
$15,900 |
2014 |
Soybean research verification program
$41,263 |
2014 |
Statewide monitoring and management of major soybean insect pests: Corn earworm, brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB), kudzu bug and three-cornered alfalfa hopper
$30,000 |
2013 |
Groundwork for improving nutritional value of soybeans
$46,324 |
2013 |
On-farm investigating and evaluation of soybean production strategies
$13,697 |
2013 |
Weed management studies in Roundup Ready and non-Roundup Ready soybeans
$15,000 |
2012 |
Evaluation of grower-advisory models for improving the efficiency of foliar fungicides in soybeans
$16,125 |
2012 |
Intensive Soybean Production: A Management Guide
$5,000 |
2012 |
Use of genomics to develop disease resistant soybeans
$10,000 |
2011 |
A New Strategy to Search for Phytophthora Resistance Genes (Year 1 of 1250)
$78,183 |
2011 |
Breeding soybean varieties adapted to Virginia
$35,500 |
2011 |
Genetic and Molecular Bases of Low Phytate and Seedling Emergence in Soybean (1234)
$115,000 |
2011 |
Impact of soil pH on manganese response of glyphosate resistant soybeans
$18,000 |
2011 |
Intensive soybean production systems
$38,799 |
2011 |
On-farm investigations and evaluation of soybean production strategies
$12,250 |
2011 |
Physiology of soybean yield and variety advancement in Virginia cropping systems
$13,071 |
2011 |
Soil nutrient management and response of soybean to swine lagoon effluent
$5,900 |
2010 |
Controlling and preventing further spread of Palmer Amaranth
$4,800 |
2010 |
Crops Judging Program
$2,500 |
2010 |
Nematode identification and control strategy evaluation in problem fields in Virginia's soybean growing region
$6,320 |
2010 |
World Soybean Research Conference VIII
$3,550 |
2009 |
Continued assessment of management options for stink bug, bean leaf beetle, grasshopper and corn ear
$10,480 |
2009 |
Evaluating soybean production strategies
$4,000 |
2009 |
Fungicide strategies for control of Asian soybean rust and other common foliar diseases of soybean
$12,661 |
2009 |
Influence of crop protection combinations with glyphosate in Roundup Ready soybean
$15,000 |
2009 |
Soybean production research support
$3,000 |
2009 |
Survey of frogeye leaf spot (FLS) in Virginia, evaluation of resistance of FLS on soybean lines adapted to Virginia
$7,000 |
2009 |
Survey of nematode populations and prevalence in Virginia soybean fields
$8,759 |
2009 |
Virginia soybean research and extension program
$28,000 |
| Total | $2,326,020 |