2025 |
Late-season Liberty applications to manage herbicide resistance in Palmer amaranth and waterhemp
$50,651 |
2025 |
Unlocking the linkage between breeding and production research for N fixation, protein, and yields
$37,950 |
2024 |
Biotech approaches for enhanced disease resistance in soybean
$75,058 |
2024 |
Evaluation of standardized ileal digestible (SID) Lys:crude protein ratios for 25 to 55 lb pigs in diets containing different levels of soybean meal and SID Lys
$87,600 |
2024 |
Evaluation of the interactions in net energy, standardized ileal digestible lysine, and soybean meal level in diets for pigs from 25 to 50 lb
$50,799 |
2024 |
Improving our ability to detect, predict, and manage soybean sudden death syndrome in Kansas
$48,848 |
2024 |
Optimal extrusion processing condition for dog diets containing prebiotic levels of WSB
$117,972 |
2023 |
An Innovative ‘Push-Pull-Protect’ Approach to Improving Protein Quality
$111,313 |
2023 |
Characterization and evaluation of different US soybean meals’ antinutritional factors
$61,160 |
2023 |
Effects of increasing energy or lysine in soybean meal-based diets on early and late finishing pig performance
$76,714 |
2023 |
Evaluating the use of gums and soapstocks in swine diets
$152,793 |
2023 |
Increase Soybean Nutritional Values and Consumer Acceptability for use in Pet Foods through Fermentation Technology
$121,167 |
2023 |
Increasing Market Competitiveness and Adding Value to Soy Ingredients for Improved Plant-Based Meat Applications
$78,790 |
2023 |
Integrating Harvest Weed Seed Control Strategies for Managing Palmer amaranth Seedbank in Kansas Soybean Production
$33,075 |
2023 |
Multiple Herbicide Resistance in Palmer amaranth and Use of Gene Editing for its Management
$53,000 |
2023 |
Soybean Nutrition and Planting Date (and Dry-Down) Effects on Yield and Seed Quality
$34,961 |
2022 |
Development of Population-Based Tactics to Manage Key Kansas Soybean Insect Pests
$71,847 |
2022 |
Economic, Value Chain and Market Differentiation Benefits of On-the-Go and Remote Sensing Mapping of Soybean Protein and Oil
$119,784 |
2022 |
Evaluation of Whole Soybeans as a Protein Source in Growing Beef Cattle Diets Containing Urea
$30,165 |
2022 |
Impacts of Roasted Soybeans and Sunflower Meal as a Feed Source in Growing Lambs
$11,500 |
2022 |
Improving Phosphorus Management for Soybean: Integrating Cover Crops and Fertilizer Placement and Time
$40,741 |
2022 |
Mapping soybean protein and oil quality in farmer fields
$189,312 |
2022 |
Optimizing Residual Herbicides to Manage Pigweeds in Early Planted Soybeans
$41,071 |
2022 |
Reducing Undesirable Carbohydrates during Seed Development for Enhanced Protein & MEAL
$158,810 |
2022 |
Soybean Production Systems to Improve Soil Health and Control Soil-borne Diseases
$44,152 |
2022 |
Techniques for Rapid Data Analytics of Remotely Sensed Data for Phenotypic and Precision Agriculture Applications
$39,925 |
2022 |
Weed seed bank depletion: investigating an overlooked benefit of cover crops
$35,466 |
2021 |
A Day Late and a Dollar Short - Early Soybean Planting
$33,606 |
2021 |
Determination of the Dose and Efficacy of Market Positive Attributes from Whole Soy in Extruded Pet Diets
$77,310 |
2021 |
Genetically-Engineered Soybean - A Novel Way to Safeguard Kansas Soybeans from Severe Drought and Heat Stress
$40,000 |
2021 |
Mitigating Soybean Root and Seedling Diseases in Kansas
$43,540 |
2021 |
Row Spacing and Residual Herbicide Use in Enlist and LLGT27 Soybeans
$34,003 |
2020 |
Develop Valuable Soybean Varieties and Germplasm for Use as Genetic Resources for Companies and for Direct On-Farm Production
$249,991 |
2019 |
Assessment of Soil Potassium Bioavailability and Improving Diagnostics Tools for K Management on Soybean in Kansas
$43,329 |
2019 |
Improving Meteorological Measurements at Kansas Mesonet Weather Stations to Assist with Herbicide Drift Monitoring
$26,588 |
2019 |
Improving Soybean Yields by Enhancing Seed Filling
$27,500 |
2019 |
Investigating SDS and Fusarium Root Rot Resistance, Preventative Seed Treatments, and Pathogen Variability in Kansas
$39,950 |
2019 |
Investigation of Genetic Basis of 2,4-D and Dicamba Resistance in Palmer amaranth
$30,000 |
2019 |
Plasma-Activated Irrigation for Improving Soybean Development and Disease Tolerance
$50,000 |
2018 |
Effect of Cultural Practices on Soybean Seed Quality: A Review and Research Studies (Year 1 of 1820-152-0108)
$399,785 |
2018 |
Improving Soybean Yield in the Double Crop Soybean System
$29,333 |
2018 |
Investigation of Herbicide Resistance in Waterhemp and Palmer amaranth in Kansas: Survey, Mechanism, and Management
$65,000 |
2018 |
Non-Xtend Soybean Response to Simulated Dicamba Drift
$32,893 |
2017 |
Control of Pigweed with an Integrated Systems Approach in Soybean.
$30,851 |
2017 |
Development of Genetic, Chemical and Population-Based Tactics to Manage Key Kansas Soybean Insect Pests
$66,710 |
2017 |
Evaluation of Soil Health Test to Determine Fertilizer Needs for Soybean in Kansas
$36,932 |
2017 |
High-throughput Platform to Enhance Quality of Beans and Add Value to Kansas Soybean Breeding Program
$35,000 |
2017 |
Integrating Germplasm Evaluation, Genetic Engineering, Breeding and High-Throughput Phenotyping to Improve Sustainability of Soybean Production
$265,959 |
2017 |
SDS: Resistance Screening, ILeVO Treatment, Survival on Corn Residue, and Pathogen Variability
$37,800 |
2017 |
Small Unmanned Aircraft thermal infrared imaging system to identify soybean drought tolerant varieties
$47,560 |
2016 |
Breaking Barriers: Developing Tools for Moving Kansas Irrigated Soybeans Beyond 70
$49,265 |
2016 |
Cover Crop Effects on Soybean Yield and Soil Properties
$10,652 |
2016 |
Development of Genetic, Chemical and Population-Based Tactics to Manage Soybean Stem Borer in Kansas
$64,210 |
2016 |
Influences of Planting Date, ILeVO Seed Treatment, Root Structure and Soil Compaction upson SDS in Kansas
$36,568 |
2016 |
The Quest of 100-Bushel Soybean: On-Farm Approach
$29,894 |
2015 |
Cover crops and phosphorus management to protect water quality in corn-soybean rotations
$25,000 |
2015 |
Influences of irrigation regimes, planting date, and soil compaction upon SDS in Kansas
$35,153 |
2015 |
Managing important components of intensive production systems in soybean
$16,700 |
2015 |
Quantification of disease severity of charcoal rot in plant hosts by qPCR
$25,000 |
2015 |
Soybean Production Systems to Control Charcoal Rot and Other Soil-Borne Diseases
$15,035 |
2014 |
Agronomic maximization of soybean yield and quality
$9,280 |
2014 |
Breeding and management of soybean for improved performance
$290,000 |
2014 |
Evaluation of micronutrients for high yield soybean production using small plot and strip trial research
$32,570 |
2014 |
Irrigation regimes and soil oxygen content: Investigation environmental parameter associated with SDS in Kansas
$29,012 |
2014 |
Risk of stacked dicamba and glyphosate resistance in kochia and best management practices
$22,910 |
2014 |
Understanding the genetic basis of glyphosate resistance in kochia (K. scoparia)
$31,560 |
2013 |
Development of improved systems for machinery data management and analysis data delivery for Kansas farmers
$13,500 |
2013 |
Evaluation of commonly grown soybean varieties in Southeast and Western Kansas
$1,949 |
2013 |
Phosphorus, secondary and micronutrient fertilization of soybeans in Kansas
$23,431 |
2013 |
Using environmental variables to predict soybean aphid problems
$105,998 |
2012 |
Engineered resistance to soybean cyst nematode via induced gene silencing (RNAi)
$156,107 |
2012 |
Evaluating whole plant health and intensive production systems in soybean
$5,000 |
2012 |
Evaluation of soybean inoculant products and techniques to address soybean nodulation problems in Kansas
$23,685 |
2012 |
Improving yields of double crop soybean with starter and foliar fertilization
$31,909 |
2012 |
Managing glyphosate-resistant kochia in soybeans
$22,425 |
2012 |
Soybean response to fungicide and insecticides
$10,000 |
2012 |
Specific and Efficient Suppression of Soybean Cyst Nematode in Soybean using Artificial Micro RNA Strategy (Year 1 of 2284)
$69,520 |
2011 |
Evaluation of common soybean varieties in southeast Kansas
$1,000 |
2011 |
Kansas soybean cyst nematode survey
$9,320 |
2011 |
Managing marestail in no-till soybean systems
$5,244 |
2011 |
Understanding soybean seed, seedling, and root pathogens in Kansas
$35,115 |
2010 |
Development of farm management data systems for Kansas farmers
$15,000 |
2010 |
Extension and applied research programs for Kansas soybean production
$4,814 |
2010 |
Host-delivered siRNA for Nematode Resistance: Identification and Evaluation of Fertility and Fitness Genes (Year 1 of 0284)
$67,368 |
2010 |
Iron deficiency chlorosis in soybean: Effect of soil properties and iron fertilizer application
$33,656 |
2010 |
Use of seed and foliar fungicides at two planting dates for soybean production in Kansas
$8,500 |
2009 |
Correction of potassium deficiency in no-till and strip-till soybean production
$7,500 |
2009 |
Development of soybean host plant resistance and other management options for the soybean stem borer
$35,000 |
2009 |
Enhancement of soybean through genetic engineering
$57,072 |
2009 |
Influence of soils, nutrition, and water relations upon charcoal rot disease processes in Kansas
$34,759 |
2009 |
Soybean variety and germ plasm improvement
$225,000 |
| Total | $5,443,945 |